I realize this is an old plugin and this forum is not monitored but I have been using epoch for 2 years and found that WordPress 5.5 prevents epoch from displaying previous comments, only new comments are displayed and once page is refreshed they too are no longer displayed. I like the real time updating of this plug in and I cannot find anything comparable elsewhere.
Will you continue support for this plugin? Looking to replace Disqus
Can you please help me with the following issue: comments are not displayed.
On a staging site deactivated all plugins except Epoch, switched to 2017 theme, checked there are not any php errors.
Is Epoch still under development? I’m very much looking forward to version 2.0, but there are no recent commits, so …
]]>When Epoch is enabled, the comment likes module in Jetpack does not display. Please see the following Issue on Jetpack’s GitHub page https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/issues/7568
Just a quick question: do I need XMLRPC enabled to use Epoch?
]]>Hey guys,
I love epoch, but it doesn’t play nicely with WP fastest cache (the IMO best and fastest cache plugin) – comments keep loading forever.
Could you look into this please?
]]>Hey guys, great plugin!
I really like the beta template best. I was wondering if there is a way to edit/remove the required fields. For example URL and email.
Please let me know.
Do you have to use postmatic with epoch? Or does epoch have its own built in subscribe for comment replies feature?
]]>Hi there
Your FAQ states that:
“Does Epoch override my native comments template?
Only if you want it to. You can choose to style your comments using of our built in themes or use the comments template that is already in place on your site.”
I couldn’t find any themes to choose from inside the plugin
What do I miss?
]]>Hi there, really enjoying Epoch on my personal site at the moment. Just one small issue I’m trying to overcome.
It looks like all of the templating options add an inline width to the #epoch-wrap div and in my case that width is fairly narrow. See here and you’ll see that it’s 600px, but I’d prefer it to be 100%
I know I can do an !important, but I’d rather avoid that. Thanks!
]]>Based on your sticky post we have emailed your team some issues a few days ago but haven’t gotten any reply. Please help us.
Hi, I have installed Epoch, but…
1) comments do not show. Post below says there should be two comments, but none appear.
2) When i try to psot a comment I get the “your comment was not accepted. Please check that everything was filled out correctly.”
I removed CleanTalk anti-spam, but it makes no difference. Restarted the plugin several times. No errors on console.
]]>This seems to be an interesting plugin, but all it does thus far is make comments powered by ajax. This is nowhere near what Disqus offers.
Are plugin authors considering adding such features as voting for comments and allowing the user to sort comments by most voted? Or the ability to allow the user to edit their comment within a time specified by administrator? Or the ability to upload self-hosted images to the comment, or convert YouTube/LiveLeak/Vimeo/etc links into <iframe> embeds automatically?
Adding such features would make the plugin an alternative to Disqus, as right now it just makes it possible to add comments without reloading the page.
Also, is it possible to exclude Postmatic from the plugin?
]]>When is support for pagination coming? It’s essential for my website.
]]>Hi huys,
I want everyone to see comments even if their HTTPS access is forbidden by organization (some do block HTTPS traffic to preserve their secrets). The site is SSL-enabled and the login is forced via HTTPS only. However, Epoch does not switch to HTTP and gets failures upon XMLHttpRequest calls to https://site.xx/epoch-api instead of following the protocol explicitely stated in the URL to softly switch to mixed mode: https://site.xx/blog/post/45677
The site supports switching to the mixed regime or to HTTP but Epoch does not seem to utilize it.
I am not exactly sure if it’s an Epoch problem or the HTTPS setting, or if it can be solved on either side. I am just observing it with Epoch while the other insecure resources are loaded well.
Any ideas how to solve it?
i would like to remove all bold styling for author comments (with grey background unchanged) but could not find where to change this parameter in all CSS files & Brothers.
Modifications in either dark.css or light.css here ↓
#epoch-comments a.epoch-author-link {
font-weight: bold;
line-height: normal !important;
did not change anything…
Thank you for your help.
month name is not properly translated in comments according to user wordpress language setting (french in my case).
Seems to be a miss from the file : epoch>classes>front>api_helper.php
at lines 101~102 :
date( $date_format, $time ),
date( $time_format, $time )
If modified to ↓,
date_i18n( $date_format, $time ),
date_i18n( $time_format, $time )
problem is gone.
Correct me if i am wrong or missing something else.
Thank you for your attention.
On my Website, some of my topics have over 900 comments… Epoch is just perfect, but when you have that among of comments it take so many time (and ressource) so… I had to remove it.
How Can I configure Epoch to show only the 100 first comments ?
]]>Hi Guys,
Today I installed Epoch (along with Postmatic) as a commenting system for my website
Somehow, there’s some untranslated text above the comments form, that says:
“There are no comments” and “There’s one comment”, when somebody commented.
Although I have WPML running, I can not find the place to change this into Dutch.
The first should read “Er zijn geen reacties” and the second “Er is één reactie”
Is there a way to change this ? I know there’s a way to change it through a .po file, but I’m not sure how to do this.
]]>Epoch Version 1.0.7 causes the following error on activation:
Fatal error: Class ‘api_paths’ not found in /var/www/www.domain.com/wp-content/plugins/epoch/includes/functions.php on line 158
]]>is there an easy way to put this under each post. I’ve tried everything I could find in the wordpress Q&A. Nothing seems to work. Using visual composer. the theme is “high end”….dailynewsjam.com (under development)
]]>Hi there,
How can we style the iframe for Epoch to make it fit our theme better?
PS: I’m just loving your plugin. Such a plus to my website.
]]>Autoptimize HTML optimization fails when Epoch 1.0.1 is activated.
]]>I’m curious if there is a way to add in Google Analytics event support to track clicks and such.
]]>Now that we are in 1.0 support will be provided via the Epoch repo on Github. Please submit issues to: https://github.com/postmatic/epoch/issues. We are happy to help you there.
Users seeking support who do not have or wish to have a Github account can send their issue to [email protected].
Support issues left on www.remarpro.com will not answered.
While the plugin works pretty smooth and I’m really impressed with it, my biggest concern is what’s going to happen if I’ll release it in production and my spam folder will be full.
Yes, I know about Zero spam, but I had an extremely bad experience with it when the spammers figured out how to fool it. I thought their 2.0 version will be better but it is even worse and as I can see in their support page people started to complain more often that the spam is going through. It seems like spammers already figured out how to bypass it.
While captcha is not suitable for this at all because will irritate and discourage people to post comments, are you guys working/planning to have an elegant solution for this?
]]>If you send me the file, I can provide the Spanish translation.
]]>I must moderate comments on my site.
Can I do this with Epoch?
As well, will my site operate faster or slower with Epoch
Thank you
]]>Is it normal for the registered members username to be displayed instead of the Display Name? No matter how much I edit my profile, anytime I reply to a comment, it uses my username. Is there a way I can change this in the coding somewhere?