Don’t have delimited border box in enhanced-wordpress-contactform.
]]>Hi all,
fairly new to wordpress, but not to web development.
In the description of this plugin it says that there is an “Option for user to send himself a copy of the message”.
However, I don’t see where that option is or how to use it on a form. Is that feature only available in the Enhanced WordpPress Contact form plugin (and not the gravity forms plugin as mentioned here)?
]]>Every time a visitor submits a Gravity form on my website, the plugin generates a quick list with referral info, where the visitor has been in the website before arriving on the form, as well as how they arrived on my site, and which keywords they used in Google.
This is awesome.
But I set up my forms to send a copy to my visitors, and that copy has the referrer info as well. As a company, I’d rather not spook my visitors that I know these things. Is there a way to disable it for outbound forms towards the visitor?
]]>Submitting a form results in this error message:
stripslashes() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in line 124: $response = akismet_http_post($query_string, $akismet_api_host, ‘/1.1/comment-check’, $akismet_api_port);
The message is sent succesfully by the way.
Can this be fixed?
Best regards,
]]>I have been using the [wpcf] plugin for a long time and never had any issues. Then recently it was brought to my attention that it’s not working anymore.
After you click on “Submit” the page just reloads, with your details & message still in the boxes but nothing gets sent through. (A new Captcha number thing is given to you, though, when the page reloads)
Please can anybody help? Why has it suddenly stopped working? What can I do to fix it??
Here is the link to my contact page:
Thank you
]]>If I am correct the plug-in sets a PHPSESSID cookie. Given the recent EU and NL Cookie laws I would like to minimize cookies on my site.
Would it be possible to use the Plugin without cookies?
]]>Nice Plugin Joost.
It occurred to me that a page with the contactform no longer validates in W3C.
As I try and comply to w3C validation it would be nice if the plugin would validate.
When i fill in the required fields and press submit then i get the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function akismet_http_post() in /home/sites/site800/web/wp-content/plugins/enhanced-wordpress-contactform/wp-contactform.php on line 125
I checked the php file but i cannot find any function called akismet_http_post?
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I have a very strange Problem:
If I send a message through the form, i receive the message 5 times or more. This problem alos occurs, if I use other Contact form Plugins. What could be the issue?
I would love to see a file upload option as an enhancement.
Would this be possible?
]]>Just installed this plugin because the notes say it will work with hosting (no other contact form plugin does), but I’ve yet to recieve the test email I sent myself using the form.
Anyone know if this will work or not? I am beyond frustrated trying to just get a simple contact form working! Thanks…