Dear support team,
Unfortunately, the images are not replaced in our system. A caching problem ( has been ruled out. The file is not physically replaced, but in some cases corresponding preview images appear.
One more note: We use the “Robin Image Optimizer” plugin for image compression.
Many thanks for your help!
]]>I’ve been having issues with files of a certain size and larger (3mb for example), where if I replace a file with another of the same name and select “replace and use the new file name” it will wind up appending -1 to the file. I haven’t had this issue with smaller files (133kb or so).
I know the ideal use case for this is to select “just use the same name,” but this has been an issue for people I work with who don’t know to select the other option.
So, it feels like this is a bug or unintended behavior, where uploading a file with the same name winds up creating a new file name rather than keeping it the same.
]]>Has anyone came across this error before? The media replace does appear to work, however there is an error given in the admin screen. When i search the error logs I find the below:
2024/09/02 08:58:46 [error] 6104#6104: *3143447 FastCGI sent in stderr: “PHP message: PHP Fatal error:? Uncaught TypeError: mysqli::real_connect(): Argument #5 ($port) must be of type ?int, string given in ../web/wp/wp-includes/class-wpdb.php:2349
Stack trace:
#0 [internal function]: mysqli->real_connect()
#1 ../web/releases/20240219103528/web/wp/wp-includes/class-wpdb.php(2349): mysqli_query()
#2 ../web/releases/20240219103528/web/wp/wp-includes/class-wpdb.php(2263): wpdb->_do_query()
#3../web/releases/20240219103528/web/wp/wp-includes/class-wpdb.php(3146): wpdb->query()
#4 /../web/app/plugins/enable-media-replace/build/shortpixel/replacer/src/Replacer.php(280): wpdb->get_results()
#5 ../web/app/plugins/enable-media-replace/build/shortpixel/replacer/src/Replacer.php(240): EnableMediaReplace\Replacer\Replacer->handleMetaData()
#6 /home/szdev/site” while reading upstream, client:, server:, request: “POST /wp/wp-admin/upload.php?page=enable-media-replace/enable-media-replace.php&action=media_replace_upload&attachment_id=16355&_wpnonce=ff580a8064 HTTP/1.1”, upstream: “fastcgi://unix:/run/php/szdev8.0-fpm.sock:”, host: “”, referrer: “”
]]>Is this compatible with PHP 8.2 and 8.3?
]]>Hi there
Typically your plugin works well (thank you), but I’ve come across an issue where litespeed cache is interfering…
On one particular site, I have identical WordPress installations. One is on the www subdomain (and is Italian), and the other is on an eng subdomain and is English. Apart from the language, they are the same. The site settings are identical. Both have your plugin and both run litespeed.
When my client replaces a pdf file on the www site, it works well, but when they replace the pdf on the eng subdomain, it replaces the media, but Litespeed caches the old link, resulting in a 404 page. I have to then go in and purge.
Do you know of a setting in Litespeed that I could toggle on to prevent it from interfering with your plugin? I understand if I need to ask Litespeed instead, but asking you first as many people use Litespeed, so I’m sure you’ve come across this issue before.
I have installed Enable Media Replace on a multisite installation, and whether I try to enable it on the network or on a single site, I have a fatal when I try to enable it:
Warning: file_get_contents(/var/www/cib/root/web/app/plugins/enable-media-replace/build/shortpixel/composer.json): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/cib/root/web/app/plugins/enable-media-replace/build/shortpixel/PackageLoader.php on line 22
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class “EnableMediaReplace\ShortPixelLogger\ShortPixelLogger” not found in /var/www/cib/root/web/app/plugins/enable-media-replace/classes/emr-plugin.php:106 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/cib/root/web/app/plugins/enable-media-replace/enable-media-replace.php(97): EnableMediaReplace\EnableMediaReplacePlugin::get() #1 /var/www/cib/root/web/app/plugins/enable-media-replace/enable-media-replace.php(99): emr() #2 /var/www/cib/root/web/wp/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php(2318): include_once(‘/var/www/cib/ro…’) #3 /var/www/cib/root/web/wp/wp-admin/plugins.php(192): plugin_sandbox_scrape() #4 {main} thrown in /var/www/cib/root/web/app/plugins/enable-media-replace/classes/emr-plugin.php on line 106
I tried to remove the plugin and install it again but the fatal is still present. Do you have any ideas of how to solve it?
]]>When Enable Media Replace is active, media files are not renamed when the media title is changed and the attachment is saved. When it’s inactive, this happens as it should.
]]>Is the WebP version of the image also automatically replaced?
]]>We’ve been getting a warning message saying “Replacement file does not have the same type. This can lead to unexpected issues ( text/plain – )” when replacing SRT files. We can confirm that we are reuploading an SRT file. Thanks for the assist.
I use WebP Express plugin but when I change a media file using Enable Media Replace and choose to preserve filename, WebP Express doesn’t refresh the generated WebP file because it’s not informed that the file changed.
Is there an action that is triggeted by your plugin which can provide the media ID so another plugin can do something on media change?
]]>I just noticed a typo: you have “fatster” instead of “faster”
ShortPixel Critical CSS?– Automatically generate above-the-fold CSS for fatster loading times and better SEO scores
I’m testing this plugin as it would be useful in our case, but unfortunately it doesn’t work as expected:
I’m having the same issue as this thread: Something went wrong loading page, please try again | – I have Enable Media Replace installed but I get the “Something went wrong loading page, please try again” message whenever I try to access it.
I have deactivated all other plugins and it still persists, in both Chrome and Edge.
Site health info is below. Appreciate the help!
]]><br>### wp-core ###<br><br>version: 6.5.5<br>site_language: en_US<br>user_language: en_US<br>timezone: America/Los_Angeles<br>permalink: /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/<br>https_status: true<br>multisite: false<br>user_registration: 0<br>blog_public: 1<br>default_comment_status: closed<br>environment_type: production<br>user_count: 17<br>dotorg_communication: true<br><br>### wp-paths-sizes ###<br><br>wordpress_path: /wordpress/core/6.5.5<br>wordpress_size: 67.12 MB (70378256 bytes)<br>uploads_path: /srv/htdocs/wp-content/uploads<br>uploads_size: 13.85 GB (14871842923 bytes)<br>themes_path: /srv/htdocs/wp-content/themes<br>themes_size: 19.64 MB (20599100 bytes)<br>plugins_path: /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins<br>plugins_size: 349.70 MB (366692097 bytes)<br>database_size: 213.27 MB (223625216 bytes)<br>wpcomsh-disk-space-used: 13.7 GB<br>wpcomsh-disk-space-quota: 100.0 GB<br><br>### wp-dropins (2) ###<br><br>advanced-cache.php: true<br>object-cache.php: true<br><br>### wp-active-theme ###<br><br>name: Twenty Twenty-Three (twentytwentythree)<br>version: 1.1<br>author: the WordPress team<br>author_website:<br>parent_theme: none<br>theme_features: post-thumbnails, responsive-embeds, editor-styles, html5, automatic-feed-links, widgets-block-editor, block-templates, custom-line-height<br>theme_path: /wordpress/themes/pub/twentytwentythree<br>auto_update: Updates managed by<br><br>### wp-themes-inactive (7) ###<br><br>Boardwalk: version: 1.0.14-wpcom, author: Automattic, Updates managed by<br>Bookshop: version: 1.0.20, author: WooCommerce, Updates managed by<br>Cubic: version: 1.0.6-wpcom, author: Automattic, Updates managed by<br>Galleria: version: 2.2.19, author: WooCommerce, Updates managed by<br>Homestore: version: 2.0.34, author: WooCommerce, Updates managed by<br>Storefront: version: 4.6.0, author: Automattic, Updates managed by<br>Twenty Twenty-One: version: 1.6-wpcom, author: the WordPress team, Updates managed by<br><br>### wp-mu-plugins (1) ###<br><br>wpcomsh-loader.php: author: (undefined), version: (undefined)<br><br>### wp-plugins-active (10) ###<br><br>Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection: version: 5.3.2, author: Automattic - Anti-spam Team, Updates managed by<br>AMP: version: 2.5.3, author: AMP Project Contributors, Updates managed by<br>CoBlocks: version: 3.1.12, author: GoDaddy, Updates managed by<br>Enable Media Replace: version: 4.1.5, author: ShortPixel, Auto-updates enabled<br>Gutenberg: version: 18.7.0, author: Gutenberg Team, Updates managed by<br>Jetpack: version: 13.7-a.1, author: Automattic, Updates managed by<br>Layout Grid: version: 1.8.4, author: Automattic, Updates managed by<br>Page Optimize: version: 0.5.5, author: Automattic, Updates managed by<br>Public Post Preview: version: 2.10.0, author: Dominik Schilling, Auto-updates enabled<br> Editing Toolkit: version: 4.28277, author: Automattic, Updates managed by<br><br>### wp-plugins-inactive (8) ###<br><br>Classic Editor: version: 1.6.3, author: WordPress Contributors, Updates managed by<br>Crowdsignal Forms: version: 1.7.2, author: Automattic, Updates managed by<br>Crowdsignal Polls & Ratings: version: 3.1.1, author: Automattic, Inc., Updates managed by<br>LightStart - Maintenance Mode, Coming Soon and Landing Page Builder: version: 2.6.11, author: Themeisle, Auto-updates enabled<br>Otter – Page Builder Blocks & Extensions for Gutenberg: version: 2.6.12, author: ThemeIsle, Auto-updates enabled<br>Pinterest for WooCommerce: version: 1.4.4, author: WooCommerce, Updates managed by<br>The Events Calendar: version:, author: The Events Calendar, Auto-updates enabled<br>WooCommerce: version: 9.0.2, author: Automattic, Auto-updates disabled<br><br>### wp-media ###<br><br>image_editor: Photon_Subsizes_WP_Image_Editor_GD<br>imagick_module_version: Not available<br>imagemagick_version: Not available<br>imagick_version: Not available<br>file_uploads: 1<br>post_max_size: 2047M<br>upload_max_filesize: 2047M<br>max_effective_size: 2 GB<br>max_file_uploads: 20<br>gd_version: bundled (2.1.0 compatible)<br>gd_formats: GIF, JPEG, PNG, WebP, BMP, AVIF<br>ghostscript_version: not available<br><br>### wp-server ###<br><br>server_architecture: Linux 4.19.0-26-amd64 x86_64<br>httpd_software: nginx<br>php_version: 8.1.29 64bit<br>php_sapi: fpm-fcgi<br>max_input_variables: 6144<br>time_limit: 1200<br>memory_limit: 512M<br>max_input_time: 1200<br>upload_max_filesize: 2047M<br>php_post_max_size: 2047M<br>curl_version: 8.7.1 OpenSSL/1.1.1n<br>suhosin: false<br>imagick_availability: false<br>pretty_permalinks: true<br>current: 2024-07-10T17:12:50+00:00<br>utc-time: Wednesday, 10-Jul-24 17:12:50 UTC<br>server-time: 2024-07-10T10:12:50-07:00<br><br>### wp-database ###<br><br>extension: mysqli<br>server_version: 10.4.33-MariaDB-log<br>client_version: mysqlnd 8.1.29<br>max_allowed_packet: 104857600<br>max_connections: 500<br><br>### wp-constants ###<br><br>WP_HOME:<br>WP_SITEURL:<br>WP_CONTENT_DIR: /srv/htdocs/wp-content<br>WP_PLUGIN_DIR: /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins<br>WP_MEMORY_LIMIT: 512M<br>WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT: 512M<br>WP_DEBUG: false<br>WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY: false<br>WP_DEBUG_LOG: false<br>SCRIPT_DEBUG: false<br>WP_CACHE: true<br>CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS: undefined<br>COMPRESS_SCRIPTS: undefined<br>COMPRESS_CSS: undefined<br>WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE: Undefined<br>WP_DEVELOPMENT_MODE: undefined<br>DB_CHARSET: latin1<br>DB_COLLATE: latin1_swedish_ci<br><br>### wp-filesystem ###<br><br>wordpress: not writable<br>wp-content: writable<br>uploads: writable<br>plugins: writable<br>themes: writable<br>mu-plugins: writable<br><br>### jetpack ###<br><br>site_id: 4022900<br>ssl_cert: No<br>time_diff: undefined<br>version_option: 13.7-a.1:1720462320<br>old_version: 13.6-beta:1719930507<br>public: Private<br>master_user: #4259516 kingcountyparks<br>is_offline_mode: off<br>is_offline_mode_constant: off<br>current_user: #203965438 anlynchkc<br>tokens_set: Blog User<br>blog_token: 3zR!4R0bnKlSdh48W2y5lya9@8f3hBFh<br>user_token: QfYMLbdu#!3hJ9@YLR%J61Hl$YxvJeRp<br>version: 13.7-a.1<br>jp_plugin_dir: /wordpress/plugins/jetpack/13.7-a.1/<br>plan: business<br>protect_header: ""<br>full_sync: {"started":"Wed, 03 Jul 2024 23:40:44 +0000","finished":"Wed, 03 Jul 2024 23:46:29 +0000","progress":{"comments":{"total":578,"sent":578,"finished":true,"last_sent":"2"},"constants":{"finished":true},"functions":{"finished":true},"options":{"finished":true},"posts":{"total":14706,"sent":14706,"finished":true,"last_sent":"2"},"term_relationships":{"total":8317,"sent":8317,"finished":true,"last_sent":{"object_id":"2","term_taxonomy_id":"3"}},"terms":{"total":1625,"sent":1625,"finished":true,"last_sent":"2"},"themes":{"finished":true},"updates":{"finished":true},"users":{"total":17,"sent":17,"finished":true,"last_sent":"4259516"}},"config":{"comments":1,"constants":1,"functions":1,"options":1,"posts":1,"term_relationships":1,"terms":1,"themes":1,"updates":1,"users":1}}<br>sync_size: undefined<br>sync_lag: 0 seconds<br>full_sync_size: undefined<br>full_sync_lag: 0 seconds<br>idc_urls: {"home":"https:\/\/","siteurl":"https:\/\/","WP_HOME":"https:\/\/","WP_SITEURL":"https:\/\/"}<br>idc_error_option: false<br>idc_optin: true<br>cxn_tests: All Pass.<br><br>### amp_wp ###<br><br>amp_slug_query_var: amp<br>amp_slug_defined_late: false<br>amp_mode_enabled: reader<br>amp_reader_theme: legacy<br>amp_templates_enabled: post, page<br>amp_serve_all_templates: This option does not apply to Reader mode.<br>amp_css_transient_caching_disabled: n/a<br>amp_css_transient_caching_threshold: 5000 transients per day<br>amp_css_transient_caching_sampling_range: 14 days<br>amp_css_transient_caching_transient_count: undefined<br>amp_css_transient_caching_time_series: <br>amp_libxml_version: 2.9.4<br><br>
I have a client with a custom user role that has almost all the capabilities of an admin (including media upload). However, this user role does not have the ability to access EMR functionality. Is there something else I should be targeting to be sure that this user can upload replacement media?
]]>Warning error after I uploaded!
I am PHP 8.2
The upload replacement is successful, and this error message appears on the Thanks page.
Warning: is_dir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File((file name)) is not within the allowed path(s): ((pass)/usr/local/php82/lib/php/) in (pass)/wp-content/plugins/enable-media-replace/build/shortpixel/replacer/src/Replacer.php on line 87
I use the plugin with much satisfaction.
However i found very annoying the fact that there is not an option to delete “phisically” the original file i’m going to replace.
Over the time i’ve accumulated many “old” images (wich are versions of the same image)
and so i have to manually clean up my unused image.
So i would ask to an option to replace AND delete the image
preserving the original name / link / reference of the deleted image.
I would gladly make a donation for your effort ??
Thank you
]]>WordPress close tags in uploaded SVG files.
Enable Media Replace don’t do it.
It occurs errors on website created into Bricks Builder.
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: stripslashes(): Argument #1 ($string) must be of type string, stdClass given in /home/lehad/domains/[WEBSITEDOMAIN]/public_html/wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/elements/slider-nested.php:1324 Stack trace: #0 /home/lehad/domains/[WEBSITEDOMAIN]/public_html/wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/elements/slider-nested.php(1324): stripslashes(Object(stdClass)) #1 /home/lehad/domains/[WEBSITEDOMAIN]/public_html/wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/elements/base.php(2316): Bricks\Element_Slider_Nested->render() #2 /home/lehad/domains/[WEBSITEDOMAIN]/public_html/wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/frontend.php(523): Bricks\Element->init() #3 /home/lehad/domains/[WEBSITEDOMAIN]/public_html/wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/elements/container.php(942): Bricks\Frontend::render_element(Array) #4 /home/lehad/domains/[WEBSITEDOMAIN]/public_html/wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/elements/base.php(2316): Bricks\Element_Container->render() #5 /home/lehad/domains/[WEBSITEDOMAIN]/public_html/wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/frontend.php(523): Bricks\Element->init() #6 /home/lehad/domains/[WEBSITEDOMAIN]/public_html/wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/elements/container.php(942): Bricks\Frontend::render_element(Array) #7 /home/lehad/domains/[WEBSITEDOMAIN]/public_html/wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/elements/base.php(2316): Bricks\Element_Container->render() #8 /home/lehad/domains/[WEBSITEDOMAIN]/public_html/wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/frontend.php(523): Bricks\Element->init() #9 /home/lehad/domains/[WEBSITEDOMAIN]/public_html/wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/elements/container.php(942): Bricks\Frontend::render_element(Array) #10 /home/lehad/domains/[WEBSITEDOMAIN]/public_html/wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/elements/base.php(2316): Bricks\Element_Container->render() #11 /home/lehad/domains/[WEBSITEDOMAIN]/public_html/wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/frontend.php(523): Bricks\Element->init() #12 /home/lehad/domains/[WEBSITEDOMAIN]/public_html/wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/frontend.php(622): Bricks\Frontend::render_element(Array) #13 /home/lehad/domains/[WEBSITEDOMAIN]/public_html/wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/frontend.php(872): Bricks\Frontend::render_data(Array) #14 /home/lehad/domains/[WEBSITEDOMAIN]/public_html/wp-content/themes/bricks/page.php(7): Bricks\Frontend::render_content(Array) #15 /home/lehad/domains/[WEBSITEDOMAIN]/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(106): include('/home/lehad/dom...') #16 /home/lehad/domains/[WEBSITEDOMAIN]/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/lehad/dom...') #17 /home/lehad/domains/[WEBSITEDOMAIN]/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/lehad/dom...') #18 {main} thrown in /home/lehad/domains/[WEBSITEDOMAIN]/public_html/wp-content/themes/bricks/includes/elements/slider-nested.php on line 1324
Upload on server with domain separation realized by open_basedir.
Warning: is_dir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/bg-terrain-position-1) is not within the allowed path(s):
I know You tell, this is hosting problem, but this is not hosting problem.
Script use wrong method to generate path.
Some hosting has domain separation, and Apache path points to the domain directory.
And then You have to use directory path without slash / at the begining.
If You use path: /wp-content/uploads/2024/05/bg-terrain-position-1
– this generate error
You should use: wp-content/uploads/2024/05/bg-terrain-position-1
– that’s works fine
If You want use slash at the begining, You should get full server path.
Or You can use relative path to wordpress installation catalog – I think this is better solution.
]]>This doesn’t seem to work with Breakdance. Specifically, when you upload a new image of a different type, i.e. if you upload a .webp file to replace a .jpg file, the change is not reflected in existing content that was created using Breakdance.
Any chance you can make it compatible with Breakdance?
When I try to update an image, the thumbnails are not replaced. I have seen this message in the logs.
"PHP message: PHP Warning: is_dir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/u/thumb) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/vhosts/ in /var/www/vhosts/ on line
I don’t know why tries to access a directory with the image name, my image is actually called thumb. My upload folder is u/ It seem to try to access an absolute path.
Im having some issues replace images. I go like this:
after that I’m taken to this page, where there is the new image uploaded. Everything seems ok so far
I clicked the update button, but after that It appears again the old and previous image and nothing changes.
how to fix that ?
]]>Hi @sixaxis,
When I replace media using Enable Media Replace with an image having the same file name, all the images (main images plus thumbnails) are replaced except for the thumbnails in my Portfolio (Ocean Portfolio).
I should point out that these portfolio thumbnails are not automatically created by WordPress when I upload images, but only when I insert featured images in portfolio items.
I’d also like to point out that if I delete media and then check in my host’s file manager (cPanel), I see that the thumbnail generated by my portfolio remains.
For the moment, I’ve found a workaround, but it’s cumbersome and not the normal procedure: if I delete (or rename) in the file manager (cPanel) the portfolio thumbnail that hasn’t been modified following an image replacement by Enable Media Replace, the correct thumbnail is recreated when I refresh the page and my portfolio thumbnail is then OK.
I don’t know whether this problem of not replacing the thumbnail is on your side or on the side of my WordPress theme (OceanWP) of which Ocean Portfolio is a part.
For me, it’s just a hunch, the non-replacement of the thumbnails in my portfolio is a problem that’s attributable to you because I think that Enable Media Replace should replace all the copies (thumbnails) of an image, which isn’t the case since in this particular example Enable Media Replace forgets one.
On the other hand, the fact that when I delete a media all the images except the portfolio thumbnails are deleted is, in my opinion, down to my WordPress theme or Ocean Portfolio.
For a better understanding, I’ve made a video that you can watch here:
Thanks in advance for your help.
I have a problem upgrading WordPress to the latest Version and PHP. I get a critical error ‘after update Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Division by zero in …. /wp-includes/media.php’.
The website has a critical error and is not viewable. This error happens because of having images that have been replaced before the update.
I have over 700 images and it would be hard to go through them one by one to know which ones were changed. Will an update be coming soon (I guess I’m not the only one with this problem) or any idea how to fix this?
Thank you
]]>In the past it would never replace on the first go but after two or three goes it would replace. Now it does not replace at all
I have an image that was edited slightly and replaced
It doesn’t really matter what options I choose. The file is not replaced.
It is not a caching issue I opened the FTP and the file has the same date from last week. I download the file from FTP, surely this cannot possibly be a cache of any sort.
I do an image comparison on the file and it is not the file I uploaded. It is the old file
I feel like it has something to do with the file size? If I upload something with the same dimensions it does not seem to replace. If i upload something with different dimensions it does seem to replace
]]>Does this plugin have multisite support? Does It?
I’ve noticed that in the Enable Media Replace interface, old images aren’t displayed like those uploaded more recently.
On the left-hand side (image to replace), the old images are displayed in full, whereas the new ones are now displayed in a sort of 600 x 600 px thumbnail format.
If I right-click to display an old image in a new tab, the image to be modified is displayed, whereas if I do the same with a recently uploaded image, the 600 x 600 px version is displayed.
I don’t understand this new display of truncated images, which is less pleasant and handy.
I don’t know when this change took place (update), as I haven’t had to use this plugin for a while, but it turns out that I now have a whole series of images to replace, and I don’t like this new display.
Is there a reason for this? Isn’t it possible to go back to the old, more convenient display?
I don’t know if I’ve made myself clear, but here’s a short video for clarification:
>>> Explanatory video
Thank you in advance for your help.
]]>Could anyone explain to me why there are multiple references to ‘Bas’ and his email address ( in the source code?
Example: enable-media-replace/build/shortpixel/notices/composer.json
]]>When replacing a PDF, the height of the ‘Click here to upload or drop file in this area’ panel is 9997 pixels, which makes it difficult for users to see the options below it. It doesn’t happen if I’m replacing an image.
]]>Hello, I replace all my previous uploaded jpegs with EMR. Since it was a different the same file name and size but different extension(.jpg versus .webp) I checked the option replace the file, new file name and replace all the links.
As I go through my FTP, I still saw the .jpg on the server, which I delete since they were supposed to be replaced by the webP freshly replace.
But surfing on my website, I still see that the site is still calling for the jpeg versions and not showing images since they were deleted. I was guessing it will show the webP version
Is there something I need to do to get all new replacement working?
]]>Hi there,
Could you please help me understand why enable media replace isn’t working on my site? when i replace files, redirections aren’t been created; you can see that a redirection isn’t in place for the file at the above (previous) link.
If you need any other info, let me know
Many thanks