emu2.php uses get_usermeta() that is deprecated since 3.0
Having problems with this plugin.
When selecting the post from the dropdown box to email about I get the following error:
‘Trying to notify of a post without passing the post id !
Please correct the errors displayed above and try again.
Please select the post that you wish to notify users about.’
Can anyone advise?
]]>Like other plugins I have used, I prefer to see the wp users in first name alphabetical order and to be able to use browser’s ability to select items from a form by entering the first letters of a partial name.
To enable this I changed two emu2 programs. The “<” is the new change and the “>” is the old. These changes would have to done manually because I had to convert the programs from windows/dos line ending to unix/linux endings. The two programs and changes follow:
1. emu2_user_mail_form.php
(This is in main code not a function)
< <?php echo __('', EMU2_I18N_DOMAIN) . $user->display_name; ?>
> <?php echo __('User', EMU2_I18N_DOMAIN) . ' - ' . $user->display_name; ?>
2. emu2.php
function EMU2_get_users()
< $order_by = " order by display_name ";
< . $additional_sql_filter. $order_by );
> . $additional_sql_filter );
< . $additional_sql_filter. $order_by );
> . $additional_sql_filter );
I tried Emu2 – Email Users 2, but after using it for a few days, I found there is a conflict with the WordPress media uploader, causing http errors on upload with the new WordPress uploader and timeouts using the classic WordPress uploader.
I’m adding new user roles dynamically. If I create a new role and give that person email users 2 capabilities, they are able to use that plugin, but cannot get to it because the plugin does not show up in the admin sidebar. I tried several different ways of adding capabilities to the role:
$projectmanager = add_role('projectmanager', 'Project Manager', array(
'delete_others_pages' => true,
'delete_pages' => true,
'delete_published_pages' => true,
'edit_others_pages' => true,
'edit_dashboard' => true,
'edit_pages' => true,
'edit_private_pages' => true,
'edit_published_pages' => true,
'emu2_email_multiple_users' => true,
'emu2_email_single_user' => true,
'emu2_email_user_groups' => true,
'emu2_email_users_notify' => true,
'emu2_export_list' => true,
'emu2_manage_options' => true,
'publish_pages' => true,
'read' => true,
'read_private_pages' => true,
'upload_files' => true,
'unfiltered_upload' => true
$projectmanager = add_role('projectmanager', 'Project Manager', array(
'delete_others_pages' => true,
'delete_pages' => true,
'delete_published_pages' => true,
'edit_others_pages' => true,
'edit_dashboard' => true,
'edit_pages' => true,
'edit_private_pages' => true,
'edit_published_pages' => true,
'publish_pages' => true,
'read' => true,
'read_private_pages' => true,
'upload_files' => true,
'unfiltered_upload' => true
$role = get_role('projectmanager');
And adding the roles with add_role immediately followed by get_role with the the role names from the emu2.php file. I also tried adding the page to the sidebar with add_menu. If I give the user a default role, like editor, Email Users 2 shows up fine in the admin sidebar. I played around with adding/removing other capabilities wich show up/remove from the admin sidebar correctly when changed.
What am I doing wrong?
]]>I tried to send a test email to myself but it was not delivered. Also when i press on send to users or to groups a blank page is disaplyed. Is this plugin incompatible with some other plugins?
here you are my website: https://www.freereporter.info
I’ve been wondering if you plan to create some kind of cron job process for this, so the plugin would be able to send the emails in chunks so as not to take too many resources when there are a lot of subscribers (like 1000+).
Every time I send a message to a specific user, the message also is copied to others users. I can’t figure this one out. Any thoughts?
]]>I have upgraded to the latest version of wordpress and intaled your plugin (after).
My users are all author by default and they cant edit their on “Individual User Settings”.
How can I solve this?
Thanks in advanced
]]>Hi 1manfactory,
could please use the info below to fix two issues in emu2? One is around a reply to email address problem I reported earlier on (spurious period in “reply to” email address), the other one is a conflict with the “amr events” plug-in which also uses a debug entry in a somehow loose way.
- file emu2-Core.php:
reply to email address may contain an extra period
somewhere in the address due to problems in the wp_mail()
and native PHP mail() functions; the patch constitutes a workaround:
change line 35
$headers .= 'Reply-To: "'.$sender_name.'" <'.$sender_email.'>'."\n";
$headers .= 'Reply-To: "'.$sender_name.'" '.str_pad( "", 50 ).' <'.$sender_email.'>'."\n";
- file emu2_options_form.php:
Problem: there is a conflict with a function
in the "arm events" plug-in also called debug
change lines 113f.:
<input type="radio" name="debug" value="1" <?php if (EMU2_get_debug()==true) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?>>On
<input type="radio" name="debug" value="" <?php if (EMU2_get_debug()==false) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?>>Off<br>
<input type="radio" name="emu_debug" value="1" <?php if (EMU2_get_debug()==true) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?>>On
<input type="radio" name="emu_debug" value="" <?php if (EMU2_get_debug()==false) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?>>Off<br>
- file emu2_set_options.php:
Problem: same as described in emu2_options_form.php
change lines 92f.:
if ( isset( $_POST['debug'] ) ) {
$debug = $_POST['debug'];
if ( isset( $_POST['emu_debug'] ) ) {
$debug = $_POST['emu_debug'];
Thanks – especially for the very nice plug-in!!!
]]>The plugin interferes with the Gravity Forms plugin in the admin area. It causes a conflict with thickbox load in the Gravity Forms admin edit forms page, on bulk add/edit fields.
This is caused by incorrectly loading scripts. Scripts should only be loaded for the admin pages that are specific to this plugin, and not others. Use wp_enqueue_script to avoid script load conflicts.
Gravity Forms is a very heavily used plugin, so please resolve this.
Thank you.
EMU2 does a very strange thing on my installation:
for emails sent out it sets the From address correctly, but the “Reply to” address is incorrect – it contains a period at position 16 in the email address string…
This is very weird.
]]>Looks like the “Visual” and “HTML” tab buttons don’t display correctly.
]]>WHen i send a test mail in templates to myself it works great. If i send a mail to users using the same template all they get is an unexecuted code in both the subject and the body.
eg:[%BLOG_NAME%] The latest posts – %THE_DATE%
Digest of %BLOG_NAME%: %BLOG_URL%
Thank you
Any help would be great
I have read and understood his warning about the build in scheduler of WordPress, my case worse than Andy says in his commentary. I receive dozens of emails with the same content “Digest NOT sent” and “There are no new posts” every day and worst of all … I uninstalled the plugin 2 weeks ago! Are supposed to uninstall your plugin this will also erase all your data from the database.
How can this be happening? and most importantly HOW DO I SOLVE THIS DRAWBACK???
]]>I just updated the Email Users 2 and suddenly my website is spamming my users. The setting for the digest field is blank. I have disabled the plug-in till I figure this out. Any ideas?
]]>Trotz – zur Sicherheit – installiertem Plugin “WP-Mail-SMTP” klappt der Versand der Mails nicht, auch die Test-Mail kommt nicht an. Grund ist offensichtlich, dass manche Server (nutze selbst Host Europe) es nicht m?gen, wenn nur via BCC versendet wird. Vermutlich ist das eine Pr?vention gegen Spam-Versand.
Der Entwickler des Plugins “Post Notify”, dessen Plugin ?hnliches leistet, hate das selbe Problem, dieses aber inzwischen gel?st. Tats?chlich funktioniert der Versand damit.
“The problem is caused by emails being sent as BCC, which some servers do
not seem to play well with. The fix that I have used before is to add the admin email to the wp_mail command in post-email-body.php, near the bottom.”
Und dann h?tte ich noch drei Verbesserungsvorschl?ge:
1. Automatischer Versand nach der Ver?ffentlichung eines Posts (Einstellungen werden einmal definiert).
2. Zeitliche Vorgabe, wann der automatische Versand erfolgen soll
3. Angabe, wieviele Zeichen oder W?rter des Posts in der Mail zu sehen sein sollen, gefolgt von einem “weiterlesen” mit Link auf den Blogeintrag.
Vielen Dank und herzliche Grü?e, das Plugin ist ansonsten sehr gelungen!
]]>Emu2 was great when you first released it and with the addition of being able to resend the email it is Awesome and a must have for everyone!
]]>Is there a way to create a themed page from which users can email groups? Thanks in advance!
I just updated the plugin and now i sent an email, but it seems email never reached any of the members ?? . i didn’t received it on my other address for testing as well which is registerd as a member too.
Also i always add a paremeter to keep track in the end of post link which differentiate how many ppl reached me by clicking from email. it seems that the email never reached, i didn’t got any count ??
Help is appreciated
I installed it, and it looks great, but I”m not receiving mail. Is there something else I need to do to send/receive mail?
]]>I installed it and activated it, but nothing shows up on the dashboard to allow me to set the settings or send emails.