Hello! Given page includes two YouTube-embeds, one is blocked by plug-in and one shown open (both no-cookie links). Why does Embed Privacy no longer work with the second one and what can be done about it (always used to work)? Great plug-in as far!
]]>If I use a pullquote block near a textlink (!) to Twitter or Youtube (haven��t tested others) Embed Privacy will set the placeholder for an embed anyway. When the link for displaying the unwanted embed is clicked, the text around the textlink will be shown in pullquote format instead.
Once I deactivate the plugin or delete the pullquote, the textlink will be displayed as intended.
]]>If I embed a Youtube video, direct link showed don’t work.
For example I get https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/watch?v=Glu9wA4HjE0 than shows the message “Something went wrong”. I think it should be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Glu9wA4HjE0 or maybe is a Youtube problem that apply restrictions to my country?
]]>On a multisite installation, is there a way to make settings page only available for network admin and disallow site admins to configure Embed Privacy?
I’m trying to build a small plugin to do that… but I’m not sure how. Thank you
after activation of the Plugin, the high of the iFrame is not as high as before with native youtube integration. And therefore the video is very small.
How to get back the original size of the video/iFrame?
Das Empfohlene CSS
aspect-ratio: 16/9;
.embed-privacy-container.embed-youtube iframe{
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
habe ich eingef��gt, hat aber nur bedingt geholfen.
Ein weiteres Problem:
Laut Developer Tools l?dt die Seite weiterhin Daten von youtube.com, obwohl das Plugin das ja eigentlich verhindern sollte. Aber nur auf der Startseite wird Youtube weiterhin geladen, bei den Unterseiten nicht, obwohl es da auch teils eingebunden ist.
Thank you and best regards
]]>We have started embedding “X” Content which apprently is currently not supported by the Embed Privacy Plugin (https://www.deine-tierwelt.de/magazin/lieblingspfote-gibt-es-unter-katzen-links-und-rechtshaender/). Is this currently planned?
]]>Hi !
After using Embed Privacy for more than a year, we’ve stumbled upon the first issue I couldn’t solve yet.
We’re embedding the opt-out shortcode below all embedded YouTube videos and for the longest time this has worked just fine. The shortcode we’ve been using for months now is:
[embed_privacy_opt_out headline="" subline="Mit dem Entfernen des H?kchens widerrufen Sie Ihre Einwilligung zum automatischen Laden der gew?hlten Inhalte." show_all="0"]
Initially, we didn’t include show_all=”0″, which only became necessary a few months ago. That fixed the issue that was displaying the whole provider list after a visitor consented to YouTube.
Basically, we have the same problem again, except now the whole provider list is shown even when no consent was given, across the site (e.g. privacy statement /datenschutz/#youtube-opt-out without a YouTube link, where the spacing is now also weirdly overlapping). Opting in via the shown provider list does not work, opting out after consenting via YouTube dialogue does work. Whether the cookie was set or not does not change the amount of providers in the list (but does affect the checkmark).
We use the classic WordPress Editor plugin and a bunch of other WordPress plugins, including WP Rocket (where the Embed Privacy .css is within the safe list and JavaScript detection is activated).
VERSIONS: PHP 8.2, WordPress 6.6.2, Classic Editor 1.6.4, Embed Privacy 1.10.4, WP Rocket
ISSUE PERSISTS ON: Google Chrome 129.0.6668.59, Firefox 128.2.0esr, Safari 18.0 (iOS)
We’d be very grateful for any ideas or solutions on this issue.
Thanks a lot in advance
Lucien @ Konsumentenschutz
Weird bug ahead:
I’m working at a non profit organisation and administrate our website. Our editors are using Elementor and therefore insert videos as Elementor video widget.
Embed Privacy works fine: A consent layer overlays the video – except in combination with Elementor’s text editor widget or another video widget. *
When a text editor or video widget is inserted directly before or after a video widget in the same section, Embed Privacy’s CSS doesn’t load – so the website visitor basically gets a plain text version of the consent layer.
Any idea why this is happening?
I reproduced this error on 2 WordPress installations with the latest version of WordPress, Elementor and Embed Privacy.
* The described error may occur with other widgets, too. I didn’t test all combinations since there are a trillion available. But for example the image widget gets along with the video widget.
]]>Hi there,
although we have been using your plugin with great satisfaction for a while now, we have started experiencing problems with embedding facebook and x.
Facebook: Clicking to display the oEmbed does not remove the overlay but does display the contents of the div with the embed-privacy-content class, however it doesn’t seem to be decoding / injecting the contents correctly so that users are displayed var _oembed_bc9b14c5093c2a1dc045f910ed6ca056 = '{\"embed\":\"<div class="fb-post" data-href="https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/Tierheim.Wi.We.He.eV\/posts\/pfbid02GWKTxZun6L78UHcL5HsnyGz8pESrTjVds4ub5TtJEBGKw8sPkCWwoFm7ewzqdt9Fl?locale=de_DE" data-width="696"><blockquote
…. etc
Embeds via x don’t seem to being blocked, twitter still works though.
Thanks very much for any support you can offer.
P.S. Deutsch kann ich auch, nur nicht so gut ??
thank you for your nice plugin. I have a problem to get it running with wpforo and the embed addon of wpforo. Is there a workaround to get it running? As I am not a programmer, I dont know hot to start with this info on your documentation: “Wenn du Embed Privacy f��r deinen individuellen Code in einem Plugin verwenden m?chtest, ist der beste weg, direkt die Methode?Embed_Privacy::get_single_overlay()
?zu verwenden.”
Hope you can help me to make it work.
]]>Hi there,
i want to streamline the visual output of the embed privacy content. For instance i need to add a certain class to the checkbox input (currently it is “embed-privacy-input”). I took a look into your code and noticed all the classes are hardcoded. Can you please apply_filter here? Thank you!
best Nic
]]>Is it possible to block a div with its content as well? Because the Brevo-Opt-In Newsletter-Form is no iframe but a complex code of CSS and DIVs like this:
As you can see i already put everything in a group with id “brevocontainer”.
]]>How does the plugin keep track of who has opted in/out of tracking? (I’m thinking of the checkbox that can be added to a privacy policy via a shortcode.) Via a cookie or IP address?
Might be good to add this to the FAQs so people can address it in their privacy policies.
]]>First of all, this is the only extension that blocked google connections. So far so good.
I have two issues:
I am using the base 2024 theme with no other plugins. Disabled ublock for testing. I tried embedding the youtube player through wordpress’s feature and also with html/iframe. But can’t get it to work.
]]>Now suddenly we have all providers 4 times to opt-out. How delete the duplicates?
]]>This won��t work there, right?
vielen Dank f��r dieses tolle Plugin! Ich hab es vorhin ausprobiert: mit dem Einbettungscode von FB via HTML-Code-Block klappt es wunderbar.
Ich w��rde allerdings FB-Posts f��r ein besseres Nutzererlebnis gerne mit dem Plugin Magic Embeds einbetten, da man zb. den Post komplett auf der WP-Seite lesen kann, auch wenn man “Mehr anzeigen” anklickt (mit dem normalen Einbettungscode wird man sofort zu FB weitergeleitet).
Mit Magic Embeds wird zwar auch der Platzhalter angezeigt, aber nach dem Anklicken verschwindet er und sonst passiert weiter nichts.
Erst wenn man “Inhalte von FB immer laden” anklickt, wurde mir – nachdem ich die Seite neu geladen hatte – der FB-Post angezeigt. Allerdings klappt selbst das nicht immer.
K?nntet ihr euch vorstellen, Magic Embeds kompatibel mit eurem Plugin zu machen?
when I use the advanced editor tools plugin to enable the classic editor, links I add there via copy-paste are automatically converted to block quotes. And these are generally blocked by embed privacy, no matter which link is in there.
Is there any way to stop the plugin blocking quote links?
Would be really thankful for help,
(If someone knows how to disable the automatic link-to-quote conversion in the classic editor that would also be helpful)
Hallo Embed Privacy Team,
bei einzelnen Videos von YouTube wird das Overlay angezeigt, wenn die Videos per RSS importiert vom YouTube Kanals werden, leider nicht.
Importiert z.B. mit dem Plugin “Feeds for YouTube” (via Kanal-ID).
Beispiel RSS-Feed: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCjhkuC_Pi85wGjnB0I1ydxw
Im Quelltext der Webseite erscheint mit dem Feed:
M?chte das nur weiterleiten, ist auf einer Testseite aufgefalllen.
Finde “Embed Privacy ” super ^^
]]>Dear Embed Privacy plugin team,
I have installed your plugin on my wordpress (v6.4.3) and tried to embed a tiktok video. The video doesn’t play when clicking the consent- the block simply disappears instead.
I also checked a youtube video embed and it worked perfectly. But issue is I rely on tiktok embeds for my website…
Can you please advise whether I am doing something wrong?
you can check out a testing page here:
Your plugin is the perfect solution for me to add another GDPR compliance level to my website and I truly want it to work.
Thank you in adcance for your response
Hey there and thanks for the awesome plugin.
I managed to block Instagram with a custom regex, so the plugin itself works on the website I use it on.
But sadly this does not apply to TikTok. Using the regex <blockquote.*script async src="https:\/\/www.tiktok.com\/embed.js"></script
> I can not block it,even though any regex-checker tells me it should work.
Could you please have a look into it? Probably some minor thing I just cant seem to find
first of all – a very big thanks for this nice plugin!!!!
I��ve installed it and it works perfect for my needs (Spotify and Soundcloud) but unfortunately not for the integrated Spotify Playlist.
I��ve created a new Embed for the playlist with the following regex:src="https://open.spotify.com\/embed\/playlist/(?=[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z])(?=[a-zA-Z0-9][0-9])[a-zA-Z0-9]{22}"
which should match the special url of the playlist included in the iframe. But unfortunately it doesen��t work. The Playlist is still shown.
The content of corresponding embedded iframe is this one:
<div class="entry-content"> <iframe style="border-radius:12px" src="https://open.spotify.com/embed/playlist/6SnZl0xM5jIQwk6Q2bQSX3" width="100%" height="450" frameBorder="0" allowfullscreen="" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" loading="lazy"></iframe> <span class="more-link"> <a href="https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6SnZl0xM5jIQwk6Q2bQSX3" target="_blank" class="readmore">Follow Playlist<span class="screen-reader-text">Follow Playlist</span></a> </span> </div>
I guess the problem is the regex – but unfortunately I��m not so famillar in regular expressions. Therefore I would be very happy about some help regarding this.
Many thanks in advance for your help!
Best regards,
Hey! Thank you for a fine plugin.
As per the FAQ, I got Embed Privacy to show posters for YouTube and Vimeo. Nice.
Is there any way to expand that functionality, to also support poster images from WordPress.tv?
For instance, the article below features an embed:
The default embed offers a poster in jpg-format. Sample:
<img loading="lazy" crossorigin="anonymous" alt="" src="https://videos.files.wordpress.com/pkqrsWOS/video-aed14e6835_mp4.scrubthumb.jpg?w=1072">
Hope that makes sense, otherwise, please let me know, and I’ll try and create a demo page showing the poster image of the standard embed.
]]>When I enable the plugin, it creates code with <style>
inside a <div>
. This is not valid and causes validation errors when checking the site with https://validator.w3.org/:
]]>Error: Element
not allowed as child of elementdiv
in this context.
We’re currently evaluating a news ticker plugin.
Unfortunately there seems to be some conflict with embed privacy. Embed privacy’s assets aren’t included in the html header. Result is that embed privacy doesn’t work at all.
I noticed some conditional logic in class-embed-privacy.php which seems to control if the assets are to be enqueued:
public function register_assets() {
if ( \is_admin() || \wp_doing_ajax() || \wp_doing_cron() ) {
// enqueue scripts code ...
I included some php debug code in the page which prints the conditions above as html comment in the page. But all conditions are evaluated to false. Despite this, the assets aren’t included in the post.
Am I missing something? Is there any other conditional logic which controls if the assets are included in page header?
on this page I have embedded the IG-feed of the owner of the site. Now we would like to block the feed until the visitor clicks the “Consent”.
But we don’t want to use a comprehensive Cookie/Consent-Blocker (Borlabs, Real Cookie Banner etc.), because apart from the feed there’s no other third-party-connection established on the whole site.
The plugin I have used to deploy the feed is called “WP Social Ninja Pro” (there is a free version here on wp.org too).
Any chance to help me with this? Maybe as a paid job, in case your plugin does not support this plugin by default?
Hello Support,
I would like to use the widget functionality to integrate a page from an external domain via the regex function.
It is unclear to me where to store the path to the respective page.
Here is the code we want to integrate:
<!-- twingle -->
<iframe src="https://spenden.twingle.de/bndnis-90-die-grnen-kreisverband-pinneberg/kreisverband/tw6418445602630/widget?tw_target=Ann%20Christin%20Hahn%20BGM-Wahl%20Tornesch" style="width: 100%; border: none; overflow: hidden; height: 450px; position: relative; z-index: 2;"></iframe>
<script src="https://spenden.twingle.de/embed/generic"></script>
<!-- twingle -->
I have changed this to:
<!-- twingle -->
<iframe src="(.*)spenden\.twingle\.de([^"]*)/bndnis-90-die-grnen-kreisverband-pinneberg/kreisverband/tw6418445602630/widget?tw_target=Ann%20Christin%20Hahn%20BGM-Wahl%20Tornesch" style="width: 100%; border: none; overflow: hidden; height: 450px; position: relative; z-index: 2;"><\/iframe>
<script src="(.*)spenden\.twingle\.de/embed/generic([^"]*)"></script>
<!-- twingle -->
Despite this, I still don’t see the integrated iFrame here. Do you have any tips for me on how to implement this?
Best regards, m.orange
]]>I noticed that oEmbeds with the Embed Privacy plugin enabled are causing problems in the frontend, instead of 2 columns it displays 3 and content from below a post detail page is displayed next to the content column.
Since this problem did not occur one week ago, I assume it must be related to plugin or theme update since the last core update is more than a week ago.
I enabled debug log, but couldn’t see any related errors. Any ideas what might be the problem?
]]>Hi there,
I use the Avada theme for my websites and have already used Embeded Privacy successfully. Now there seems to be a conflict with the plugin.
I have already deactivated all other plugins and that doesn’t seem to be the problem.
Has an error like this ever occurred? Is there a solution?
Thank you and best regards,
i see the blocking frame but when i click it, nothing happens. even the browser console does not track any error. whats wrong here? pw is “user”.