If you click on Free Ezine Articles you are directed on malicious Web attack.
Please review your plugin!
]]>I am using the shortcode in my post. If I insert more than one shortcode into a post the second shortcode embed does not display. There is only a processing signal that does not finish.
]]>When using the shortcode in my post, the embeds display at 280px wide. Is there a way to specify a larger width for the embed?
]]>I tried downloading and activating the embed articles plugin, but all we get when we click the embed option or when we go to your web site (https://embedarticles.com/login/) is
502 Bad Gateway
see example – https://yourdentalhealthresource.com/root-canal-painful/
any insight?
I used to use and loved repost.us. I assume this is similar?
Question about your Point 5 in the description. You said that we can embed articles from around the web. Are we able to embed ANY article or only ones which have been submitted to your service? If so, how many articles and topic categories do you currently have access to? I am a real estate blogger, home renovations, financing etc
Is its possible with your plugin to have Embed Articles automated or some sort of coding that picks up the word for example (bit like twitter – so any word relates to Festival) from several named websites and embed to a website?
No website to show – just an idea before I progress
Kind regards
]]>The footer on my page is messed up! on page 1 it says Previous with an arrow to the left. On the second page it has previous with an arrow pointed to the left and next on the right side with an arrow pointing to the right. If you point to the right side, next, it goes back to the 1st page and if you press the arrow on the left which says previous, you go to the next page.
I have been looking everywhere for the coding or the php to get this corrected. Can you help me Please!!
Don’t forget to rate the plugin after installing it! ??