I am using the Byteplant Email Validator version 5.1 with the hook enabled to Contact Form 7 version 5.1.6 on a self-hosted www.remarpro.com installation version 5.3.2.
The email validation works great, but every time a form is submitted the email is sent twice. I have tested with Email Validator plugin disabled and I confirmed that this only happens when the plugin is enabled.
Do you have a fix or a workaround for this issue? I use an API that charges per email and unfortunately I won’t be able to use the plugin unless this issue is resolved.
Thank you!
Your plugin works fine, but there are 2 things that I will like to know if it can be fixed or implemented.
Issue #1: The page refresh after form validation/submission, which makes the page start from the top after page refresh and user is unable to know what happen with his form submission, if it was a valid or not. Note that without your plugin the form validation happens right on the spot, without refreshing the page
Issue #2: Now that your plugin is installed, there is an extra delay when submitting form, which I am assuming is the time it takes for your service to validate the real-time email. Is there a way to get a status of this request happening to your servers, so that I can implement the form to show loading. Otherwise right now it just delays and it seems that nothing is happening.
Also I am using GravityForms on my site.
Please advise, thank you
I just installed your plugin and configured the 3rd party integration. The function is added to functions.php and the class is added to the email text field.
When I enter an invalid email address, it shows a short message that the email did not validate: Address rejected.
But still the form IS submitted and you’re redirected to the Thank You page.
How can I make sure that the form is NOT submitted?
It’s a fully embedded ActiveCampaign form.
]]>Hi there,
I have buddypress enabled on my network, as you might know buddypress has its own registration form. I added class=”bpmvp-mail” to the email input field in my child theme in /buddypress/members/register.php
and also I added this function in my function.php file:
if ( function_exists( 'bpmvp_activate_third_party' ) ) {
By testing the registration form, if I enter an invalid email, the form returns me the invalid email error. But If i enter a valid email address, the whole page reloads and nothing happens. Normally it should go one step forward to complete the registration. But it only reloads itself.
If I enable hook into is_email, Registration would continue (without any other changes). But each time a user logs in, it validates the email, and this behaviour eats lots of email checks in byteplant dashboard.
Please help me fixing this issue.
Thank you in advance