Hello, Im using theme Techmia from QuomodoTheme, it contains Element Ready Lite plugin,
and I dont know why but its causing a problem. When I launch Elementor – it is still loading and cant be used. If the plugin Element Ready Lite is deactivated, then its working fine.
Theme and plugins are up to date.
Any suggestion how to fix this problem?
Query Monitor showing slow queries from Element Ready Lite, which is taking 0.7 seconds and have 50582 rows.
here is the query
SELECT?post_id, meta_key, meta_value
I start using your plugin then I noticed that when I activated your plugin, the container setting was not showing. I tried to deactivate all other plugin excepts for the Elementor to check maybe if any of them is creating this issue. But no one except ElementorReady Lite is creating this issue.
Thank you
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]]>Sir, I have purchased Newsprk – Newspaper WordPress Theme. But i am not able to implement as i have seen your demos.