Do you know if this would be compatible with this Woo Product Search plugin? or is it a completely separate search function?
I have ES on my server already.
I’m not sure if I missed some settings but after activating the plugin there are no products listed anymore in the WC backend. Still showing published but cannot edit. I am using the cloud version of ES and indexing worked fine. When deactivating products show up again.
]]>ElasticPress WooCommerce support and feature requests are provided via Github. All are welcome to post here but plugin maintainers will not be actively responding.
I’ve implemented the plugin on a website with a huge database and it performs amazing in the frontend. However, there’s something wrong in the backend searches. I’ve used a debug plugin to monitor what’s going on and here’s the results:
Method: POST
Query Body:
“from”: 0,
“size”: 20,
“sort”: [
“post_date”: {
“order”: “desc”
“query”: {
“match_all”: []
“filter”: {
“and”: [
“term”: {
“post_type.raw”: “shop_order”
“terms”: {
“post_status”: {
“0”: “publish”,
“1”: “future”,
“2”: “draft”,
“3”: “pending”,
“4”: “private”,
“6”: “inherit”,
“7”: “in-progress”,
“8”: “failed”,
“9”: “wc-pending”,
“10”: “wc-processing”,
“11”: “wc-on-hold”,
“12”: “wc-completed”,
“13”: “wc-cancelled”,
“14”: “wc-refunded”,
“15”: “wc-failed”,
“16”: “wc-partialrefund425”,
“17”: “fue-inactive”,
“18”: “fue-active”,
“19”: “fue-archived”
Query Response Code: HTTP 400
Any idea why it behaves this way?
First of us, glad to be the first to write here. I have no doubt that your plugin will be an absolute must-have.
Is there a problem with multi-currency support ?
We use the Aelia Currency Switcher for WooCommerce, an the price is not displayed when activating ElasticPress. If i disable the currency switcher, the price is displayed in the default currency.
Best regards,