Rating: 5 stars
Absolutely great plugin. You seem to have thought of everything. Makes Gutenberg/block editor actually usable. Should be part of wp core. Thanks for your great work ??
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I was never ready to make the jump to Gutenberg but I had to do it sooner or later. Coming from (leaving?) Elementor with it’s nice interface, it’s a brutal contrast and I have never understood why they made it so empty and counter-intuitive. Your plugin will make my transition much less painful so thanks for the great work! I have actually tried a few of these plugins but you really raised the bar and has some great extra features.
]]>Rating: 3 stars
Works great with latest version of WP 6.4.3. The only issue is that it disable a native function (from the browser of WordPress) that when you select multiple blocks they become highlighted. When that plugin is enable, you don’t see that anymore and it’s difficult to see which blocks are selected. So it’s a plugin that help to better see the limits of the blocks but makes you blind with other things… (I’m on Mac with Firefox).
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I use this on all my WP installs, and it just makes editing blocks so much easier. Never had an issue with this plugin.
Thank you.
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]]>Rating: 5 stars
While testing the Editor Block Outline plugin, I came up with a feature I thought would be helpful to most anyone and likely not too difficult for the developer to add. I suggested the feature to the developer, and within a few days, it was added. Amazing!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
This little gem of a plugin is really helpful, especially when working with layouts in the block editor. Installed it, found the settings in the block editor (top right) and fell in love. This will be installed on all my WP sites.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I like this.
When I edit multiple blocks, this plugin help me.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Absolutely excellent. Very easy to use. Can’t believe how little it is used.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
This makes Gutenberg much more usable!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Great work. I’ve been considering making a similar plugin myself, so I’m glad I found this one before I did. It works well and makes it considerably easier to see where each block is. Especially useful when you have blocks within blocks. i.e. Group -> Columns -> Column -> Paragraph
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I’m amazed this only shows 500 installations so far. This is a MUST for any site. If this was a stock feature there would probably be a lot more people willing to adopt/accept the new editor. Thanks Kalimah Apps for the excellent plugin!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
So helpful. Core it. Yes.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
A plug-in that should not be missing from any WordPress installation.
Without the helpful outlines, it is often difficult for the editor to find the block that needs to be edited.
That’s why this function should actually be added to the WordPress Core.
The author of the plug-in offers great support and the users’ wishes are actually implemented.`
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I can’t believe this is the only plugin that does this!
I’ve been searching for this feature from the moment I started learning WP. How come it doesn’t exist by default? Anyway I’m really thankful you made it into reality! Thank you! <3
Rating: 5 stars
No more words, it’s simply wonderful. You can always know which plugin each block belongs to.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I literally was planning to do the same with CSS – add dashed borders to the containers in gutenberg, this is so much more useful: opacity, colours, on-hover, permanent – I consider it essential! (And should definitely be core).
Great work and thank you!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Definitely should be part of core. Takes away the frustration of trying to figure out where one block ends and another begins. Thank you.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Such a simple and effective improvement to the sometimes painful block editor UX. This plugin does one thing and it does it well. This functionality should be in core. Thank you for your work on this and sharing it with the community.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Do you want to know the feeling of driving while drunk, or to move around with blinders on? Then use Gutenberg without this plugin !!!
Thank you for this plugin, it’s perfect.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Very nice,
makes block editing so much easier! very small footprint.
Thanks for this plugin.