Upon network activating in multisite, it seems this plugin is not compatible. White screen entire site, front and backends.
Activating site by site is okay.
If you do not wish to make the plugin multisite compatible please put that in your description.
When choosing the role to activate for, I don’t see much usefulness of this plugin unless it provides multi select. Activating for one role only is very limiting and is most likely only good for activating only for Admin since admin won’t be able to set options and settings unless plugins are active for Admin. Or has something escaped my attention?
Otherwise, great potential.
I haven’t added this as a review because I would like to see your response before I do that (and of course the fact that reviews don’t seem to be open for me to add on at this time). Maybe things haven’t completely been thought through. Otherwise, I would like to understand your logic. I would like to use the plugin but I think there are some improvements needed for it to be really valuable.