Rating: 5 stars
Though the plugin does not seem to work with WordPress 4.7.3 I was easily able to configure everything on the EasyCron website. I was having a problem in which wp-cron would not run. I installed wp-crontrol and find this message:
“There was a problem spawning a call to the WP-Cron system on your site. This means WP-Cron events on your site may not work. The problem was:
Unexpected HTTP response code: 403”
Using EasyCron and wp-crontrol together I was able to figure out that one of the hooks was locking things up (and with a bit more research also found there is an Apache problem on my site). EasyCron really helped get me out of a bind and for $7.95 I know the cron will be run for a year (and if not I will know about it!) Thank you to the folks the created this great system!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
The plugin helps quickly manage an external cron job that will tigger WordPress’ wp-cron.php.
No WP Cron System anymore! Use EasyCron!