Hi there!
Can this plugin be used for public image uploading so that the uploaded photo can become an item in the gallery, once approved?
Also, after approved, can visitors share ONE specific photo to their social media venues?
]]>Can the plugin organize the galleries in albums so there will be more than 1 level of grouping? If yes – how many levels (albums and sub-albums) it supports and what are the settings on album level (titles, cover image (size, text), layouts (columns, rows), background etc.
]]>Doesnt matter what I change, I always have a whiteish background around photos – using the pro version.
I have geo tagged all my pictures in Lightroom, but the plugin is not detecting this information..
I’m wondering if you have any updates for WordPress version 4.5.3.
it seems that Pictures and Google Maps doesn’t show up with the latest version.
My environment is a free hosted OpenShift(rhcloud.com).
]]>Several questions – I’m hoping the pro version supports these:
1. Can the gallery be made to dynamically resize width based on the device. Basically, is the gallery responsive? On my phone I have to scroll left and right
2. Can the map be clicked to go to a large version – hopefully a full Google maps window?
3. Can a next/prev image button be shown?
4. There was a support question regarding adding a “where was this taken” link to pictures in a post. I’d like to be able to do that as well. From the support post: “What I would like to do on my blog is, for any pictures in a post which have geotag data in them, display a little link/icon when the user mouses over the photo, which says something like “Where was this photo taken?” or “Where is this?”. If the user clicks the link, then a map would pop up showing the photos location (perhaps the map is just shadow-box style).”
Hi Steve, I just bought the Pro version and I really like it, it’s exactly what I’m looking for.
Can you help me enlarge my photos? They are coming out very small. I set the photo width to 100% and the height to 600px. The higher I set the pixel value, the smaller the photo. (Ex. 1200 px height produces a smaller image than 600 px height.)
The container, the slider, and the map all go to 100% width, but the image stays small – about 1/3 of the container.
My original uploads are all 1936 x 1936 so there should be plenty of pixels available for expansion.
Example here: https://canalbycanoe.com/test/
Password: test
Maybe I am missing a setting?
I don’t know much PHP but I am comfortable with (carefully) editing a source file under direction.
Thank you so much, I really want this to be awesome! Mary
]]>Before I buy the pro version of this nice looking plugin I tried around with the light version.
One time I got a new map created, but now when I try to add a new one or edit the existing I got an infinite circle. The same error is described here in the support forum 2 years ago.
I also have the problem for the exising map when zooming in or out in the map that it keeps white and no map is shown.
When I activate the debug mode I get a warning because my website is https and the Google Maps call only http. I don’t know if this is a problem.
Any idea?
I’m getting the following JS alert error, when trying to create a new Photo Map:
SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
I’m unable to create or save because of this error.
]]>Is the pro version of the plugin available? I clicked the link to the purchase site,https://easy2map.com/payment/paypal/easy2MapPhotosPro.php , and got a site down message. Is it still available for purchase – this plugin is perfect for a site I am building.
The plugin does not work, I read in the support that is maybe due to javascript errors, I cant solve them myself, but can the plugin avoid crashing or can you help me solve my javascript errors?
/C:/Users/CamiloJose/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User%20Data/Default/Extensions/ocllfmhjhfmogablefmibmjcodggknml/3.0.1_0/js/injected.js:28 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
/C:/Users/CamiloJose/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User%20Data/Default/Extensions/ocllfmhjhfmogablefmibmjcodggknml/3.0.1_0/js/injected.js:31 Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to read the 'contentDocument' property from 'HTMLIFrameElement': Blocked a frame with origin "https://acolombiantraveler.com" from accessing a frame with origin "https://static.ak.facebook.com". The frame being accessed set "document.domain" to "facebook.com", but the frame requesting access did not. Both must set "document.domain" to the same value to allow access.
jquery.xml2json.js:150 Uncaught Error: XML Parser could not be instantiated
2/C:/Users/CamiloJose/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User%20Data/Default/Extensions/ocllfmhjhfmogablefmibmjcodggknml/3.0.1_0/js/injected.js:28 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
2https://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?app_id=0&channel=http%3A%2F%2Fsta…country%2F&layout=button_count&locale=en_US&ref=addtoany&sdk=joey&width=98 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CACHE_MISS
I love this plugin and I need to know if I can import an KML file into to google map, on the pro version.
Thank you.
Hi, is it possible to show all my pictures on a (fullscreen) world map?
]]>Hi all,
I’d like to show the picture locations while keeping a fixed worldwide map. How can I do that?
Thank you in advance,
]]>Hi there,
Like your plugin. Finding it useful, though I’m wondering if there is an easy way to add previous and next buttons to the carousel. I’ve rooted through the carousel.js file, which appears to be based on the Bootstrap code. But I found the next/prev buttons are not in there.
Is there a way to add them? And if so, what/where might that code be?
I would also echo previous posts about allowing multiple-uploads, or using gallery images. Either would solve the problem I have (uploading 100 photos one at a time is quite time consuming).
]]>Am I right, I can upload one file once but no multiple files?
]]>Hi there,
First off, the plugin looks incredibly cool! Thank you for making it!
I have a blog and have been searching for a plugin that can handle geo-tagged photos. This looks like it is the best plugin for geo-tagged photos, so I wanted to propose an idea..
What I would like to do on my blog is, for any pictures in a post which have geotag data in them, display a little link/icon when the user mouses over the photo, which says something like “Where was this photo taken?” or “Where is this?”. If the user clicks the link, then a map would pop up showing the photos location (perhaps the map is just shadow-box style).
The reason I’m interested in something working this way is that I like the way the photos are showing up in my posts, but some users reading my blog ask me where the pictures are taken. All the information is there, because all the photos are geo-tagged, but right now there is no way for the user to find out..
Anyhow, just an idea, thanks again for the cool plugin!
]]>Hey nice plugin.
May I ask if this plugin can either:
I am uploading photos that are geotagged already but the plugin is still asking for a location.
v 1.0.9
This plugin is [ESET Smart Security] detect trojan horse.
But this may be false positives.
Please check the file.
Is it possible to set the width of the images to 100% like the maps?
I’m using a responsive theme and setting the image widths is breaking this.
Great plugin nonetheless.
]]>Whenever I try to Save a Photo that I’ve uploaded and written a description/chosen a location for, the loading circle won’t go away, and no progress is made.
Same for when attempting to edit a map.
I’d LOVE to be able to use this plugin but right now, it’s impossible.