The Communications office for the University is asking that all web sites contain this code to be tracked by WebTrends.
script src=”//”></script
How do I translate that into how this plugin works?
]]>Seem to be having the same issue as described in the post “Cannot see “Tracking Code” option”. Field is missing both in IE 11 and Firefox 44.0.2.
Am I missing something obvious?
Espen Nikolaisen
I cannot see the textbox to enter my tracking code.
Is it some compatibility issue?
See the screenshot
[Tracking Code Missing](
]]>After unzipping and uploading the plugin to the plugin-directory, I tried activating it, but was prompted with an error message, stating that a fatal error in line 339 of the file ‘index.php’ had prevented the activation.
This is what line 339 looks like:
min.js”, array( ‘jquery’ ), $this->version, true );
After commenting that line, it would say the same thing about line 340 and then 351 (both containig closing brackets ‘}’ ).
After commenting out all three lines, the plugin would activate but I don’t think it’s working properly, because I don’t see a Tracking Code box.
Thank you for your help!
]]>as titled!
By renaming the plugin directory
from “easy-webtrends” to “_easy-webtrends”, my site becomes normal.
Pls. correct the bugs!
Test thoroughly before releasing new versions!
* I have installed Easy Webtrends, what’s next?
* In the Tracking Code box, what should I enter?
* I have gone to “Webtrends tag builder”,
-> and followed its steps, see attached screen capture
-> and downloaded the zip file “”
-> but what’s its’ use?
Thanks for any kind of help!