Tooltips are really cool, but how to get them over every element of the page. I use column and the other columns are above the tooltip, which makes it unreadable.
Please help ??
TinyMCE inserts the code at the top of the post/page instead of where I want it.
Regardless of that, it doesn’t work anyway – I just get the markup code in the live page, no tooltip. Clearly development is abandoned as no action on here for months.
]]>How to make Easy tooltip shortcode work in custom fields?
]]>This tooltip is great but doesn’t hover above any div except the one that it is in – which means that it is usually truncated.
Just fyi – I see no responses here so will uninstall and look for other solution.
]]>Nice concept but doesn’t work for me. Even with content in the content=”content goes here” parameter, it just displays “Add a Tooltip Text” onthe page. Shame as was exactly what I was lookign for.
Great little plugin. I love the ease of use and ability to easily change the styles of the bubbles.
One thing I cannot get the plugin to do is to display simple markup within the content=” ” section.
Bold, italics, hyperlinks, img src, and so on. None of those work for me.
I know your description of the plugin touts the advantages of using this plugin instead of the alt tag and specifically lists markup as one of the reasons to use this–so am I missing something?
Thank you for your attention.
]]>When I add tooltip on image, image disappear when show a tooltip. With link it does not work.
Can we use tooltip with a image or a link?
Hi there,
is there any chance to add a url link on active tooltip, instead of #?
]]>I love this plugin! It works fantastically on my pages and posts.
One problem: I am trying to call the tooltip function from inside my theme’s front-page.php file. Unfortunately, using the short code is not working.
Can you give my instructions on how to call the function manually?
Hello. I have been looking high and low on how to add a small quicktime movie to pop up and play when a mouse hover over an image.
Would there be a way to do this with this plugin? If not, do you know of a way I can?
Thank you ??
]]>Nice ToolTip Plugin – 2 Quick Questions…
1. On Firefox 10+ the icon – ie. question mark, “X”, etc… (depending on the type) do not align on the far top left of the hover box like it does on IE and Chrome… its near the middle – and covers part of the text/title – why is that? What I did in the meanwhile is just make a blank info.png but would like a solution if possible.
2. If we have a hover link that is too close to the right – the hover box goes off the screen to the right… anyway to fix that or have the hover pop up in the middle of the screen or detect where its at and if too far to the right – it puts the hover box to the left?
]]>Love the plugin. It’s simple and easily modifiable.
Better than any other tooltip plugin I ran into.
As I’m using the plugin to display extra information about the content, I would be interested in hiding the quicktags in my rich editor. Since if I’m putting, let’s say 4 sentences into it, it really messes up the overview of the content.
I would love if it would display as links are displayed in the editor.