The previous version of Easy Media Replace worked without problem. The new version, 0.2.0, however, has not worked. Here’s my experience:
I have the same experience whether using Firefox or a Chromium-based browser.
]]>When I try to replace SVG file it just deletes the old one and does not upload the new one.
I’m using “Safe SVG” plugin to allow .svg uploads.
]]>Patchstack report a possible vulnerability on 3/28/2023.
Can you send up a fix?
]]>Patchstack reported a possible vulnerability with this plugin on 3/28/2023.
Can you send up a patch?
]]>When I have debugging enabled on my site, the debug log and/or display shows:
PHP Notice: Constant EMR_VERSION already defined in /wp-content/plugins/enable-media-replace/enable-media-replace.php on line 30
With Easy Media Replace active, the icon that allows you to merge in form fields to the Gravity Forms notification editor (which looks like this: {..} ) is not clickable. Deactivating Easy Media Replace solves this problem.
]]>According to Query Monitor, your plugin had a slow query that is running everywhere on the WordPress backend, instead of just on the locations where it is needed. eg even on Dashboard & plugins page you are query the Posts table for media files which is not needed. There is not need to run the scripts unless someone is interacting with media and definitely no need for you to be querying the database for all attachments.
the slow query is
SELECT DISTINCT YEAR( post_date ) AS year, MONTH( post_date ) AS month
FROM keb_posts
WHERE post_type = ‘attachment’
ORDER BY post_date DESC
and it is caused by
Please resolve and help us speed up our backend.
When I use the plugin from the media library I get the following error message: is undefined.
But the plugin works when changing an image in an article.
What can I do ?
Thanks for your help.
Hi, would it be possible to add action hooks and filters to the replace function? Something like this (starting on line 370 in class-easy-media-replace-admin.php):
if ($change_modified_time) {
$post_update = [
'ID' => $attachment_id,
'post_modified' => current_time('mysql'),
'post_modified_gmt' => current_time('mysql', 1),
wp_update_post(apply_filters('emr_modify_date', $post_update));
do_action('emr_update_attachment', $attachment_id)
If this is on Guthub somewhere I’m happy to submit a PR there, just send me a link. Thanks!
]]>Uploading a file does not always replace the file. It doesn’t give an error, but it does not replace it. We are on WP Engine, and if I manually purge the cache before trying again, it will replace the file after that. Can your plugin be used with caching?
Also, the date modified is not changed, even though I have checked that setting.
Thanks for any insight.
]]>When I try to upload a new file to replace the old one, the file appears to be loaded, but when I click the REPLACE button nothing happens.
I try caching the entire site, but it does not work.
Hi, Is it possible to drag in a file instead of using the replacement button?
Thank you
Any chance of adding compatibility with the plugin? Image replacement works, but if you use the “Force re-optimize” button from it reverts back to the original image.
Digging into their code, creates a copy of the original image and appends it with “-unsmushed.[ext]”. If your plugin replaced this file (if it exists) with the newly uploaded image (appended with the same modifier), it should fix the re-optimize function.
The thumbnails are not regenerated, even with “Re-generate thumbnails (Images only).” checked.
Any idea, why?
I suggest to take a look at to make the plugin fully available for other languages.
For example Easy_Media_Replace_Helper::trans()
is a bad idea because you should not pass variables to gettext functions. The main reason why doesn’t include any of the plugin strings.
WordPress introduced PDF thumbnail previews in WordPress 4.7. So it would be great if those thumbnails are also supported when the “Re-generate thumbnails” checkbox is checked. Basically removing the check Helper::is_image()
to allow the call for wp_generate_attachment_metadata()
for all types.
Not sure if it’s a keyword issue or something else but your own plugin title doesn’t pull it up on the wordpress dashboard for add plugin. Thought you’d like to know.