I am having a problem with the Easy Property Listings add on Easy Listing Maps, the plugin is live and working but the add on is causing problems with the maps centre point. It causes the map to jump when you select a property and you can only view a small part of the property card, sometimes none at all. hoping for a reply asap
We want to add same style map in my site (https://ekarsh-projects.com/propertymap/).
but we can’t find the same style map.
Please give me the map style code so we can add it in the setting.
please help me….
Is this plugin still alive?
When I activate this plugin, I can no longer see the actual EPL map on the admin side, nor get the coordinates. So pretty useless, because there are no coordinates to send to the bigger map.
]]>Apparently as of June 22, 2016 Google Maps V3 no longer supports keyless access so I need to get a key for my maps.
I have tried editing the following
in this line I’m pasting in the edited version
wp_enqueue_script( ‘google-map-v-3’, $protocol . ‘://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&key=AIzaSyCQY3kkx-hmfYCgAkMt46iAqrIwW2sb6jg’ );
but it didn’t work.
I also tried installing Google Maps API KEY plugin and using the same key. It doesn’t work.
I get the following in the console
Google Maps API error: InvalidKeyMapError
Is there something I am missing?
I want to show properties according price and bedroom filter. Currently its showing all property of selected area.
can you please tell me how can i filter it?
Thanks a lot
Is there a way to change the default map view to Satellite? I read about map types on the Google Developers site, but no changes in the plug-in code seem to work.
Reference link: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/maptypes?hl=en
Thank you!
]]>I’m a web developer looking to replace the existing Real Estate plugin on a client’s website. The question that I have pertains to Easy Listings Map, and whether it supports a feature that caused this replacement to begin with.
My client wants a solution where there’s a map and a bunch of listings on the same page, and when you update the map (say, zoom in on a neighbourhood), the listings below it update as well to only show the listings that are currently within the boundaries of the map.
Does this plugin support this?
Hi, I have been trying to acheive something that may not be possible with this plaugin, but I am ready to give up so I thought I would ask the question.
I am creating a page for a Condominium that the client has many listings in, I have managed the EPL shortcode that will list only the available properties in that Condo, but what I would also like to do is ahow a map with only the listings for that Condo showing on it.
I know about turning on show single listings in the options, but this is not a single listing, it is multiple listings, at the same address.
Is there any way I can add that into the shortcode at all.
In the EPL listings I acheive that with the following.
category_key=”property_address_suburb” category_value=”The Name Of The Condo”
Can we make that work some how ??
No big deal if we can’t
Kindest Regards
Bam Bam
I am currently building a German language site for a client and I am having an issue with listings not showing in the map.
I am pretty sure it has something to do with the language as I cloned a listing and saved it as an English version and it showed up on the map, so is it a case of no support for German in the plugin ???
Strange part about it all is both the English and German versions of the listing are both written in English ???
Link here you will find the map at the bottom of the page in a tab called Location Map
Kindest Regards
Bam Bam
I am having a developer implement EPL advanced mapping; I have two property types , warehouse and manufacturing; currently I don’t seem to be able to have two different pins, but rather only a pin that represents “commercial”
Any work around for that?
I have been trying to add a border to the map via CSS, however I have tried every class and id I can find using Firebug etc and I just cannot acheive what I am after.
I have even tried adding a class to the div I have the shortcode in and targeting that without any success.
Can you enlighten me on which Class or ID I need to target please.
Kindest Regards
Bam Bam
I hope you can point me in the right direction – I am looking to customise what listing details to display in the ‘pop-out’ box from the map.
If you look at the screenshot (link), I would ideally like to remove ‘property-current’ from the listing and replace it with more meaningful information, probably these EPL functions:
<?php do_action('epl_property_price'); ?>
<?php do_action('epl_property_secondary_heading'); ?>
I was hoping it would be a case of copying a template file to my child theme and modifying it… could you let me know if this is possible and what files I need to change?
Thanks in advance – great plugin!
]]>The shortcode for the property listing works perfectly thus for. It gathers all the listing markers and places it all on the map. But I’d like to have a map with a single marker for the current property page it is on. Maybe I am reading it wrong, bit it sounds possible in the documentation, but so far, I am having no luck at all configuring this option. On one of the documents, it says something about radio, but I haven’t run into that option yet either. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
Back again, you must be getting sick of me by now.
A short explanation of what I am trying to achieve, the website I’m building is aimed at being as Mobile Friendly as I can make it, so to reduce scrolling I am trying to add Bootstrap Tabs and Accordions where ever I can.
Now this problem, I tried to add a Tab set to a post today, only 2 tabs, inside one is an EPL shortcode that works as it should, in the other I added a ELM shortcode that is misbehaving.
It shows the map, but it is blank, I know the shortcode is fine because outside of the Tabs it works exactly as it should.
Below are links to 2 Test Posts so you can see what it is doing, 1 with the code in the Tabs and 1 with the code just on the page.
While we are on this one, slightly unrelated but can I somehow pick out the listings for only one Building/Condo ??? No big deal if I can’t.
Kindest Regards
Bam Bam
I have found another very strange problem, not sure if this has become a problem since the last upgrade or not.
The problem is this, the map that shows is completely the wrong area and it seems to be driven by what type of listing is selected for the short code, I will try and explain it below.
This shortcode below shows exactly what it should, but it contains only the listing type “Rental” link to the page: Click Here
[elm_google_maps post_type="rental" status="current" map_types="ROADMAP" limit="-1" map_style_height="500" auto_zoom="0" zoom="12" cluster_size="-1" order="DESC" default_latitude="13.838150" default_longitude="100.567210"]Bangkok Rental Properties[/elm_google_maps]
This shortcode below shows the wrong area altogether, the only difference is it has “Property” as the listing type link to the page: Click Here
[elm_google_maps post_type="property" status="current" map_types="ROADMAP" limit="-1" map_style_height="500" auto_zoom="0" zoom="12" cluster_size="-1" order="DESC" default_latitude="13.838150" default_longitude="100.567210"]Bangkok Properties For Sale[/elm_google_maps]
This shortcode below also shows the wrong area altogether, the difference is it has “Property & Rental” as the listing type link to the page: Click Here
[elm_google_maps post_type="property,rental" status="current" map_types="ROADMAP" limit="-1" map_style_height="500" auto_zoom="0" zoom="12" cluster_size="-1" order="DESC" default_latitude="13.838150" default_longitude="100.567210"]Bangkok Properties All[/elm_google_maps]
Kindest regards
Bam Bam
New to the plugin, looks good so far.
Problem is that I am trying to position a map from a shortcode below some text on a page, but that the shortcode output always appears at the top of the page no matter where it is positioned.
I would be grateful if you could help.
thanks for contributing this free add on for Easy Property Listings.
I have 2 maybe minor problems with it though.
1: When I insert it into a page it won’t display, only the shortcode shows up.
2: The site I am currently working on is a fully Responsive site, the maps built into EPL are responsive, but yours is not, is that easily fixed ??
Kindest Regards
Bam Bam