“Easy Document Embedder – Embed Word, excel, Powerpoint, Pdf file and more” does NOT embed PDF in wordpress 6.2, it merely produces a little black and grey window stating “Preview not available”. Then there is a link to pop out a page. The page is a dead blank page. No embed anywhere.
]]>I have created > 10 embeded documents in Easy Embeder (Easy Document Embedder Plugin) Bud when I look in the lookup list (LOV) when I have selected Easy Embeded Plugin when I create a new block, it shows me only max 10 values. Is it possible to show all created embeded documents?
External PDF by link doesn’t work.
]]>When embedding word doc, message says no preview available –whether it’s viewed from google docs or wp view page
You won’t easily be able to see this page, as it is on a test machine behind a firewall. You will most likely see a page can’t be found error message rather than the message that no viewer is available
When embedding word doc, message says no preview available –whether it’s viewed from google docs or wp view page