Error message “invalid header” upon plugin activation
]]>I’m not sure what’s going on exactly. I put my adcode in all of the blocks in the plugin just in case.. but changed everything to suppress.. even changed the lead-in and lead-out position to above header and below footer.. so i would definitely recognize if it was using that block instead of the mid-post block.
however it’s showing my adblock at the very top of the post. it’s showing 2 on my index page align right, textwrapped (like i have chosen).. but at the top of the post instead of in the middle.. also when i click on a permalink it’s still showing at the top.
any ideas why it’s doing this?
]]>easy adsense uploads, install but give as bad header when activated…would really like it to work as described
]]>I’ve been using easy adsense for a year on several sites just fine. I like it. BUT, last week I upgraded the sites to 3.04 and ever since the sites run a few hrs then wordpress dissables the easy adsense and I find that the easy-adsensor.php file has been deleted.
If i copy it back over then reenable the plugin it works ok.
Does anyone know how to stop this behaviour. If I can’t find a way I’ll be forced to stop using easy adsense as this is causing me to loose adssense income.
]]>On activating this plugin I get this message:
]]>The plugin does not have a valid header.
Ads at beginning of post shows on first 2 post,
instead of at only the first post,
it shows on the first 2 post, on the index page, and on categories pages etc
how do i make it show only on the first post?
]]>I cannot get Easy Adsense off of my website. If anyone can help, let me know. It has placed itself on this page:
I deleted the plugin, but cannot find the code that is making this happen.
This is really underhanded.
]]>The plugin does not have a valid header.
This is the error received when I try and activate this plugin.
]]>I made an above header ad (an image ad with “a href”) on ma site with Easy Adsense plugin. It working cool on Mozilla firefox. But its not coming on IE.. It is a png image .. Actually wat is the pbm with that?
]]>i have warning the new version Easy AdSense 2.99 available, my current version is 2.97.
Try to automatic upgrade from dashboard but still have warning to upgrade this plugin.
Manually downloading from but this file not available (404 File not found).
missing something…??
]]>Activating the plugin I get
“The plugin does not have a valid header.”
I just upgraded Easy Adsense to version 2.97. When I try to go to settings now, I get the following message: “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”
]]>I’ve made my homepage static and set a page there.
The thing is it doesnt show the post top ad there, on all other pages and posts it does. Any ideas?
I’m with 3.0.1 and one of the ElegantThemes
]]>My problem:
This feed does not validate.
line 3, column 0: Undefined root element: div [help]
<div class="ezAdsense adsense adsense-leadin" style="text-align:center;margi ...
line 16, column 0: XML parsing error: <unknown>:16:0: junk after document element [help]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The reason:
Easy Adsense adds its own XML header
This feed does not validate.
line 3, column 0: Undefined root element: div [help]
<div class="ezAdsense adsense adsense-leadin" style="text-align:center;margi ...
line 16, column 0: XML parsing error: <unknown>:16:0: junk after document element [help]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
]]>Currently, if you have a bigger blockquote (by bigger I mean having lots of new paragraphs), the Easy Adsense would insert ads (when set to be in the middle of the post) inside the blockquote, which is most of the time not a thing I’d love to have.
I’d be grateful if Easy Adsense would just skip paragraphs in the blockquote tag (and just count blockquote itself as a one big paragraph when looking for the middle).
]]>At the moment, Easy AdSense gives me effectively two choices. I can have posts enabled for archive pages, and have ads at the end of just about every post as well as in the sidebar where I’ve got the widgets, or I can turn off showing ads on archive pages and lose the sidebar widgets as well. Is it possible to have something in between? I don’t want every post on the archive pages to show an ad, but I want to keep my ads in the sidebar. I have similar set up for the homepage without issue, but for whatever reason, it’s not playing nice anywhere else.
Basicly, I have ads on the left and right side of my homepage, and on the individual posts I have those plus an ad just before the comments. I’d like to be able to have the category and monthly archives framed by left/right side ads as well, but to do that, I also need to put up with having at least the first several posts displaying ads at the end of them–not what I’m after, and not what Google allows. Am I not doing something right, or is that something you have to fix in the plugin itself? For the record, I’m using 2.95.
]]>Warning Easy AdSense redirects your ad revenue. It is stealing, pure and simple. The plugin very cleverly re-inserts the plugin author’s Google AdSense publisher ID in place of your own. After you configure settings (which all appear just fine) it puts his publisher ID back into the settings during the save process. You see the Settings Updated indication and believe you can move on. You’ll see ads running immediately, further leading you to believe that all is well, but revenue derived therefrom is redirected to his account.
The author should be prosecuted.
]]>So… decided to check what’s happening with my Easy Adsense Plugin. Guess I am not alone. The plugin was always shady… but now, it forces an Ad to Amazon!!
It shows up ONLY in my site’s homepage – not in posts.
Even if I choose 2 ad blocks and put my code in the right boxes, the Ad to the Amazon book (affiliate link) keeps on showing.
Just want to say this seems Illegal and I intent to seek legal action against plugin developer IF he does not correct this issue.
FYI the options to share ads are set to ZERO.
FYI this Amazon AD does NOT show up when plugin is deleted << hich is the proof this is a plugin *intentional action*.
Developer, you read this?
]]>can get rid of the unreal blog link even though ive chosen for it not to show
]]>This plugin has been working great for me except it doesn’t actually put the middle Adsense Ad in the middle of the post. Sometimes it puts the Ad code near the end of the post. It seems like middle of the post would be easily found by taking the number of words in the post and dividing by two. It has happened quite a bit if I put youtube videos at the end of my post. When I do this, the middle Adsense Ad shows up right before the youtube videos. This causes a big gap because obviously the video can’t be wrapped around the Adsense Ad block.