Rating: 1 star
Europe, it’s fake. After registration, we waited a month for a decision on acceptance, with no result. Only Baltic countries are accepted. Expansion into Europe is bullshit. Don’t waste your time with them and do not give them any personal information!
]]>Rating: 2 stars
We see 0 utilisation from our customers and believe it has to do with the way the gateway is designed.
1) Bank and Card payments are combined in 1 kevin checkout option, which then in a second step needs to be re-selected again in order to use a credit card. Thats an unneccessary complication during checkout, and we all know how unforgiving customers are when it comes to a good checkout experience.
2) The Gateway is not translated in the language of major european markets. German for example is missing. If a German shop suddenly turns English during Checkout it raises the alarm bells for customers. Could this be Scam? Especially for a new payment pateway its important to deliver a trusted payment experience.
3) There should be some kind of customization possible to make the checkout look more integrated / similar, even if it takes place on an external website. For example a branding feature, where you could upload a brand logo to generate more trust when the customer enters the credit card details on the kevin website.