How do you delete a sidebar? Specifically from the Appearance > Widgets page. We have a couple that are no longer used (empty) and one that is similar in name.
How does this plugin work? I just installed and activated it but I don’t see it anywhere to start or make customizations.
Where do I start?
]]>Strict Standards: Non-static method Dynamic_Sidebars::get_instance() should not be called statically in /home/public_html/wp-content/plugins/dynamics-sidebars/dynamics-sidebars.php on line 52
]]>when I create a page and select sidebar from sidebar panel and hit ‘save’ button.. and check the page it works fine.. but when next time I change the page content and update the page it selects default sidebar ie. very first sidebar from the sidebar dropdown so my previously selected sidbar got replaced… can anyone help me in this issue..
]]>Parabéns mesmo!! ótimo plugin, super fácil de configurar! Valeu!!
]]>Hi Allison, your plugin worked perfectly!
Could you please tell me how to use it on post entries?
Thanks a lot!!
I just tested your plugin and it rocks! Simple and clean coded, works liks a charm and really easy to understand for users. Thanks!
]]>Blank white page after activation.