Is it possible to change the watermark image?
Does someone else have such issue on their site after last WP update with this plugin?
I see some people still have it installed.
Link to the topic i created recently with full info.
I’ve truly enjoyed this plugin, however example excluding has still been on progress.
Now it seems that plugins development is dead and any update to WordPress or php can break it.
Do you have any news if they are still developing this. Or any advice for similar up to date dynamic watermarking plugins?
]]>Awesome looking plugin!!! So much better then rebuilding images of all sizes… and possibly loosing the original… this is how watermarking should be! any word on being able to exclude some images? If you could add all images in certain posts that would be the best. I haven’t been watermarking my new images because I was waiting for a plugin like this. all my old photos have my old watermark directly on it so I would have to exclude some images. This would be the way to go if you update branding etc. Thanks!
]]>Hi Dennis,
I an getting huge error logs.
The seem to be in a loop and just getting bigger and bigger until the fill the server space. Last one 3.5GB
22-Feb-2017 07:35:34 UTC] PHP Warning: require_once() [function.require-once]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in ///wp-content/plugins/dynamic-watermark/protect_images/protect.php on line 33
[22-Feb-2017 07:35:34 UTC] PHP Warning: require() [function.require]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in ///wp-content/plugins/dynamic-watermark/dynamic-watermark.php on line 59
Many thanks,
]]>Hi Guys,
Great plugin but all my images are now in the uploaded folder and there are no subdirectories.
Im not sure If your plug in has done this or a previous one I tried (yours is better).
Does your plugin use the traditional file structure of years and months or bundle everything into the one uploads folder?
]]>Hello Denis
I’m looking for removing my PNG image and leaving default but i don’t see any button for that.
How to remove it?
PS: Thanks for great plugin.
I installed this plugin, and it watermarked my images with the watermark that comes with the plugin. I changed the watermark image, but it did not update any of my images.
Now, I can’t remove the watermarks from my images. I have tried unchecking the watermark functionality and even uninstalling the plugin.
No luck.
Any ideas?
]]>Nope, I see nothing in the library. Uploaded a png file set to left bottom 100%.
Does this work for multisite? Firefox.