The STATE abbreviations are typed in ALL CAPS but in the search form, it forces Initial Caps and I can not find where in the CSS to force the ALL CAPS. We have this free basic plus the paid add-ons.
I have a private member directory where I would like to display a member picture like in the samples. Using ACF I entered an Image field, then I uploaded a few sample pictures. In the directory Image field is mentioning it requires an image URL. I added to directory and all it shows is a broken image link to a weird URL. Anyone ever built a directory with photos???
It’s pointing to 73614 which I have no clue what it is…
a img decoding=”async” class=”dud_img lazyloaded” src=”73614″ data-src=”73614″
I have a directory that draws on Advanced Custom Fields for user data. One of the pieces of information members enter that appears in the directory involves selecting one or more checkboxes for certifications they have. I have this set up to show values in a comma delineated list and it used to work fine, but recently (not sure when this happened), if users have multiple boxes checked, the list repeats the first one multiple times instead. If they only check one, the correct one shows up. But if they check two, then it will be whichever one comes first, followed by the same certification repeated. Looks like a bug – not sure if there’s something I can do to fix but definitely need it fixed! Thanks!
]]>Is there a code to show only the first name and to hide the last name?
]]>I want to place the search in a header but want the results to post on a new page.
Is there a php code I can use for the result to post to a new page?
]]>I have an existing user directory in excel I want to display. I don’t really want to import them as users in wordpress. Just get a nice directory display.
What would you recommend?
]]>Hello I’d like to display all the images of my members without separations ( no divs no hr > – kind of like a full image list
And This is what I’d like it to look like
please advise
Hi and thank you for your helpful plugin!
I’ve been testing PHP 8 on my site and seeing just how many plugins are complaining. Most of the PHP Warnings are of the type “undefined array key” and Dynamic User Directory is reporting one of these with gusto. The full warning is as follows
PHP Warning: Undefined array key "dud_instance_name" in /home/[....]/wp-content/plugins/dynamic-user-directory/includes/core.php on line 1919
Is there a way to add an additional image to a directory listing? I have the avatar add-on. I would like to add a logo to a listing as well as the main avatar. Security does not allow me to add html to the paragraph of description. The additional image would probably need to be in a separate field.
Moderator note: Please, No bumping
]]>On the search page, the plugin isn’t finding users unless the text is typed exactly the same, including uppercase letters and accents. Is there a solution to this issue?
]]>Sarah – I’m a long time user of your directory plug-in and love it. We recently had to change our avatar plug-in from WP User Avatar to Basic User Avatars and it’s not working. I am going to try to uninstall and reinstall the DUD plugin. Is there a way to preserve my DUD configuration and put back when I reinstall it? BTW we use s2member pro. Thanks.
I have Memberpress plugin with custom address information. How can I add Google Maps on top of DUD (Kind of header) and it reads the custom field to Google Maps. I can show those fields in the page with no problem.
]]>Hi there
Thank you for this awesome plugin.
I’m using Buddy Press and the Profile Builder plugins in order to let my users to sign in with some custom fields.
Your plugin (Dynamic User Directory), displays all the infos for me but not for the other users… It’s weird, i double checked that all the users have correct data.
For the other users i just have avatar picture and the name.
Thank you for your help
Best regards
]]>In our website, Dynamic User Directory’s settings neither settings for “Exclude or Include Users With These Roles” nor “Exclude or Include These Users” work. I tried to exclude both the role and the individual user from appearing in the directory, but they still show.
Any advice, suggestion, solution, or the winning lottery numbers are welcome. Thanks for the help!
]]>Hi there
I am using Memberpress to set up different levels of membership. This includes having different levels of directory so for example the lowest membership only shows the company name and email address on the directory, whereas the next level up would also show the logo in addition to the company name and email address.
Is it possible to set this up so there are 4 different levels of directory based on the memberships in Memberpress?
I’m using your plugin in conjunction with MemberPress for a trade organization membership site. I am absolutely loving it so far!
I do have one (hopefully) small request: I would like to be able to show more than 10 user meta fields in the directory.
Here’s the case: the organization is statewide and consists of 9 local chapters, with 2 more likely to come on in 2023. Each chapter is its own checkbox field in MemberPress user meta. When you add in email, business name, website, etc… well, 10 fields fill up fast!
Any chance to bump that to 15 or 20, just to get a little breathing room?
]]>Hello, I’m looking at using this plugin for a project (along with a number of paid add-ons). Is it possible to have the directory show the results in random order?
The plugin is it compatible with ultimate members? Thanks
You currently have these existing socials;
Facebook Meta Key Name
Twitter Meta Key Name
LinkedIn Meta Key Name
Google+ Meta Key Name
Pinterest Meta Key Name
Instagram Meta Key Name
Is there a possibility to add Youtube and Tiktok? My client wants these socials to be added by the way, and we’re using the plugin for her membership site and she is open to anything if these two socials are added. Please let me know what you think. Thank you
]]>Our page is private but the dynamic user directory search bar is not working. I can scroll through the 70+ pages to find someone, but the search won’t work. Any ideas on what is wrong? Thank you.
]]>How does random sorting work? What causes the order of users to change? Is it just when a new user is added that the sort will refresh?
]]>Is there an option to do a custom sort based on user registration date?
]]>Hi, friends,
Has anyone tried using PHP 8 with Dynamic User Directory?
Thank you for any advice you can give.
Eric Bourland
]]>[18-Nov-2021 21:29:50 UTC] PHP Deprecated: strpos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/dynamic-user-directory-alpha-links-scroll/plugin-update-checker-4.2/Puc/v4p4/Plugin/Package.php on line 167
]]>DUD stopped working possibly with the latest WP update 5.8.2. Looking into the log file, I am seeing the error:
[18-Nov-2021 21:29:17 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: ud_wp_email_addr_fld in /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/dynamic-user-directory-meta-flds-srch/dud_meta_flds_srch.php on line 351
WordPress: 5.8.2
PHP: 7.4
Hello, I have a DUD running with the Custom Sort Plugin activated as a dropdown. This only displays one user by default. There are two users that should be shown. When the custom sort is deactivated, all users show in the directory. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Users used to be able to click on an edit link underneath their profile on the listing page to be able to update their info.
I can no longer find where they can do this. Even myself as an admin do not see where I can update the data saved within the system. Please assist, thanks
]]>Is it possible for the user to opt-out of being in the user directory? I understand we can exclude users but were looking to allow users to have this ability as well.
]]>How can I translate the word “last name” that appears in the search box?
Thank you for the plugin, it’s working great on my website.
I would want to buy the add-on “Exclude user filter” since I need the expired memberships to stop appearing on my Directory List.
This add-on is described as working for Memberpress.
Will it work as well with “WP-Members” plugin?
Thank you in advance !