]]>WordPress version 6.4.3
Active theme: Refined Theme (version 1.1.0)
Current plugin: Dynamic To Top (version 3.5.2)
PHP version 8.1.27received a critical error this morning using this plugin
This seems to take care of the PHP notice you might be getting on this plugin:
The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls
Type: PHP Deprecated
Line: 2222
File: wp-content/plugins/dynamic-to-top/inc/cssmin-v3.0.1.php
In the file noted, at line 2222, change this:
while (list($i, $path) = each($paths))
to this:
foreach ($paths as $i => $path)
After switching a site to PHP 7.2 I received the notification:
Deprecated: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in …/plugins/dynamic-to-top/inc/cssmin-v3.0.1.php on line 2222
Is the plugin still updated?
]]>The PHP 7 compatibility checker found these errors
3346 | ERROR | ‘clone’ is a reserved keyword introduced in PHP version 5.0 and cannot be invoked as a function (T_CLONE)
3353 | ERROR | ‘clone’ is a reserved keyword introduced in PHP version 5.0 and cannot be invoked as a function (T_CLONE)
What needs to be done to make this compatible with PHP 7?
]]>Most plugins don’t use this anymore but I did a search of all my plugins and found one in /plugins/dynamic-to-top/inc/dynamic-to-top-options.php
Line 94 that needs to be deleted:
<?php screen_icon(); ?>
Undefined index: HTTP_ACCEPT in /plugins/dynamic-to-top/inc/dynamic-to-top-class.php on line 440
In the function to check if the browser is mobile, the line on 440 is
if( preg_match( "/wap\.|\.wap/i", $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"] ) )
return true;
I checked the PHP Manual and HTTP_ACCEPT is a correct element for $_SERVER but the manual didn’t find wap. What needs to be changed in the function?
]]>Suddenly the arrow on the Dynamic To Top icon has vanished. I haven’t performed any recent updates. And the plug-in doesn’t seem to need updating. Is there a way to fix this? If I delete the plug in and reinstall, will it mess my site up? Thanks.
]]>Hello, noticed that there was a new update on https compatibility a few days ago. Even though I’ve updated my site url to https, problem still persists. Below is the non-secured resource url (up.png) in my site. Please advise how to fix. Thank you.
]]>Hi, title says it all ??
Can anyone tell me if the plugin compatible? It is not according to the PHP Compatibility Checker (WP Engine)
Hi from France.
I would like a follow-up for the ticket :
It is an old topic so I suspect that the issue may never be fixed ?
Any other plugin that does the same thing but without the HTTPS issue ?
Best regards.
I update whole of site from http to https and chrome Developer Tools show me that this plugin Reference up.png by http.
How can i change http to https for the picture?
Thanks ,hope somebody can help me.
]]>This plugin causes errors with Jetpack slideshows and contact forms. Don’t use it.
I have installed MDC Scroll To Top 3.4.2 under WP 4.3.1 few weeks ago and I had a lot of malfunctions due to this plug-in. Its last update was 3 years ago! WP should remove it from its DB.
After further investigations, I have found a good player: Scroll Back To Top 1.1.3 by Joe Sexton working well both under WP 4.3.1 and 4.4. Its late update was 8 months ago.
PS: Regarding MDC Scroll To Top 3.4.2, you cannot uninstall it! Best you can do, it’s to unactivated it! AVOID THIS PLUG-IN!
My web site: https://www.linuxrouen.fr/
Has this plugin been abandoned? I use it on several sites and would like to see it survive. If you’d like a co-maintainer, let me know.
]]>Hey there!
I am using your plugin, which is working like a charm. Now I’ve added some jQuery code for smooth scrolling to anchors to a specific page on my site and I’m receiving errors. I tried to figure out, how to avoid this, but didn’t get any further. So maybe you could help me?! ??
I’m using latest version of your plugin and I’m running this code:
if(window.location.href.indexOf("tradition") > -1) {
$('a[href^="#"]').on('click',function (e) {
var target = this.hash,
$target = $(target);
$('html, body').stop().animate({
'scrollTop': $target.offset().top
}, 900, 'swing');
which only comes to effect, when “tradition” page is being loaded.
While your plugin is working on the other pages perfectly fine, debugger returns this error: TypeError: $target.offset(...) is undefined
when my code gets loaded and the plugin stops working.
Any idea? :/
]]>This plugin works great in my WordPress sites that use the Twenty-Eleven theme and WP 4.1. But it stopped working in another site using WP 4.1 after Photocrati was updated to Photocrati Theme 4.8.2.
I can’t figure out how to fix this. Any ideas?
]]>Hello enjoyed the plugin, since he wore and some projects, but now it is not working anymore, is it some incompatibility with WordPress 3.9.2?
Visit the site where it is not working: https://lunnaambientesplanejados.com.br/site/
Can anyone help me?
]]>When you click on the icon, it takes you to the top of the page, but then scrolls back down to the very bottom of the page. I also can’t deactive or delete this plugin so I’m stuck with it working this way!!!!
I uncheked the option to disable the button on mobiles, it should normally shows the “dynamic to top button” on mobiles but it does not appear on mobiles in my case. I tried on iphones and androids.
Why ?
Can you help me please.
The setting menu of dynamic top top does not appear under settings.
I use it on a local wordpress site. I don’t know if you can see it. The url is https://localhost:8888/wp-admin/
I use a french version of WP.
Please help me.
i want to change the default to the top image.. i want to use a separate image.. how do i do that?
and if i use css for that where do i put the css code?
Google dynamic-to-top\inc\cssmin-v3.0.1.php:10165
What’s up with that?!
]]>Google dynamic-to-top\inc\cssmin-v3.0.1.php:10165
What’s up with that?!
]]>After installing and activating I went to setting but it does not show it.
How can I change setting for this plugin or make it show on settings?
Our site has recently had an issue with a plugin writing incomplete code and/or totally removing the WP bit, namely this bit:
# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress
from the .htaccess file… causing either 500 or 404 errors and the site to crash.
So firstly, if it’s this plugin that’s doing this, it may be a bug that needs fixing (if others are having the same problem?) and secondly, I’d like to know if this pugin does in fact require write access to the .htaccess file? – if not, then I thought I could try securing it using the Better WP Security plugin settings.
Dose anyone know?
Many thanks ??
]]>This great plugin stopped working when WordPress 3.8 was released. I hope there is a fix for this.
Is there a way to set an onclick event on the button – specifically to track the usage in Google Analytics?
The event would look something like this:
Thank you,
I use this on a site I made for a friend.
It is a HTTPS site, and in Firefox as soon as I scroll down the plugin comes in and gives a security warning. (the lock changes to a warning triangle).
Can this be fixed?
The plugin is very nice, but it is not working correctly with SuperStore WooTheme template.
The Cart and the login bars are blinking on hover when the plugin is enabled.
Is there a way to solve this problem? ??
]]>Love this plugin! Works great!!
However, my webpage has Horizontal Scroll rather than Vertical Scrolling.
Is it possible to support Horizontal Scrolling page?
Or is there anyone know how to modify the code to adapt Horizontal Scrolling page?
*here is my Horizontal page: https://mstheatre.org.tw/en/works/distortion-city%E9%9F%B3%E5%99%AA%E5%9F%8E%E5%B8%82/