Hello everyone,
I have followed the steps and managed to install Dyapress on my WordPress website. There was an error at first that prevented a proper installation but I have disabled all my other plugins and that seemed to solve the problem.
Now apparently the dashboard isn’t displaying correctly (screenshots in the link). Everything’s updated, my browser included (Firefox), cleared cache but it still displays kind of “dismantled”. I even asked WordPress support to look into and they have updated some core files and changed the theme but the problem persists.
Could anyone please tell me what I’m doing wrong here?
?Thanks a million!
]]>Hi, I have a problem with my dashboard icons and generally with themes. md theme is relatively working ok with issues presented on images, and eldy theme doesn’t show any image, color, etc. Is there any solution?
One more question, is it possible to upgrade from dollibar 16.0.5. to the newest 17.0.2 through the admin tools. when i try to upgrade after uploading new version files to /wp-content/plugins/ link /wp-content/plugins/dyapress/install/. just give me Ooops page,
at the health site section there is a warning about an active session (session_start()). I desactivated the plugin and the warning disappear. is there any way to fix it? Thanks
]]>Hi im New here
So i tried to activate the module/application and can’t it sending me back to my login page, same thing happen when i tried to update my company info
]]>Se ha producido un error del tipo E_ERROR en la l��nea 1634 del archivo /home2/kugelele/public_html/wp-content/plugins/dyapress/dyapress-main.php. Mensaje de error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function GETPOST() in /home2/kugelele/public_html/wp-content/plugins/dyapress/dyapress-main.php:1634
I can’t open the plugin page after the update
Tema activo: GeneratePress Child (versi��n 0.1)
Plugin actual: DyaPress ERP/CRM (versi��n
PHP versi��n 7.4.28
I have installed the plugin on a website I am developing (local environment) and a getting an error indicating the plugin has failed to install.
Error Details
An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 42 of the file C:\Users\...\app\public\wp-content\plugins\dyapress\dyapress-install.php. Error message: Uncaught Error: Failed opening required 'C:\Users\...\app\public\wp-content\plugins\dyapress/core/class/conf.class.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/www/wp-content/pear') in C:\Users\...\app\public\wp-content\plugins\dyapress\dyapress-install.php:42
Stack trace:
#0 C:\Users\...\app\public\wp-content\plugins\dyapress\dyapress-main.php(337): require_once()
#1 C:\Users\...\app\public\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php(307): DyaPress->admin_install_page('')
#2 C:\Users\...\app\public\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php(331): WP_Hook->apply_filters('', Array)
#3 C:\Users\...\app\public\wp-includes\plugin.php(476): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#4 C:\Users\...\app\public\wp-admin\admin.php(259): do_action('settings_page_d...')
#5 C:\Users\...\app\public\wp-admin\options-general.php(10): require_once('C:\\Users\\xxxxx\\...')
#6 {main}
Otherwise, I think this would be a great competitor for WPERP.
The plugin is installed but is not showing in the admin menu so I cannot access it.
Fatal error: Cannot declare class DyaPress\MenuManager, because the name is already in use in /homepages/2/d366612504/htdocs/clickandbuilds/ROYALBANKOFANDERSON/wp-content/plugins/dyapress/core/menus/standard/eldy_menu.php on line 37
This is the error that I experience. Below are links to other information.
Please advise. I’m not a programmer but I know how to follow instructions.
]]>Hello DyaPress Team, Great Porting Dolibar to WordPress! Looks Promising!
We have installed DyaPress on a wordpress instance and activated all the modules,
We tried adding a third party and were able to do so successfully.
But when adding a contact using “New Contact/Address”, when we hit save, then we go to this link https://mpco.infytest.co.in/wp-admin/card.php?id=3 and shows a File not found. error.
The record does get saved, but we go to this 404 error
I have taken a screenshot of the google chrome inspector for your reference, please see below image.
Could you please help resolve the same.
Thanks and Best Regards,
Ap��s realizar a instala??o do plugin, n?o consigo ativa-lo.
O wordpress me retorna a seguinte mensagem –> Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\xampp\htdocs\klgama\wp-content\plugins\dyapress\core\class\conf.class.php on line 283
Realmente existe este problema no plugin, ou estou fazendo algo de errado na minha instala??o?
I’m trying to update the dollibar version that comes with the plugin to 12.0.3.
I uploaded all within htdocs to dyapress folder and called the /install but get an 500.
When uploading into a new folder somewhere else, the page works.
So what do I do wrong?
Best regards
Thanks for creating this extension. Is it still working with the latest WordPress and latest Dolibarr versions? Thanks again.
]]>Hello, where is located beluga template file?
Will this eventually provide support for Woocommerce, to bridge WC transactions with Dolibarr in due time or not?
Reason we would like to see WC supported, due to the vast extensions and payment gateways it supports.
I am really happy that you have created a plugin for Dollibar.
Just a few curious questions, if you don’t mind…
(1) DyaPress Premium is not required to use this plugin?
(2) You do not need the native installation of Dolibarr at all?
If true it really suprised me and that is really cool ??
(3) If DyaPress WordPress plugin is open source and completely free..
What does the Premium Version offer that free does not…is there a comparison table I can see.
(4) Is DyaPress free version production ready? or is it still Beta?
(5) How does the support process work for the free version Versus the Premium version?
(6) Is the free version identical in every way to the Dollibar Open source version?
(7) Is their a Blog or somewhere I can read about the road map, issues if any, supporters who are using DyaPress etc
(8) Is it compatiable with Custom Post Types? (ACF for example / Custom Fields)?
(9) Is it compatible with page designers i.e Elementor?
(10) Which API (WordPress or Dolliar or both), Extensions etc?
kindest regards