boa tarde
Estou tendo problemas para configurar este plugin..pois n?o entendi muito bem como fazer poderia me explicar como fazer para configurar e utilizar corretamente?? procurei por tutoriais mas n?o achei nada no meu idioma português Brasil.
aguardo respostas desde ja agrade?o.. .
Nothing was happening if I clicked on the -More- text below an embedded question. After enqueuing the dwqa-embed-question.js file after the style sheet by adding
wp_enqueue_script( ‘dw-embed-question’, $this->uri . ‘assets/js/dwqa-embed-question.js’, array(‘jquery’));
after line 181 in dwqa-embed-question.php
and then updating line 6 in dwqa-embed-question.js to be
jQuery(document).on(‘click’,’.dwqa-question-stand-alone .show-more-end,.dwqa-question-stand-alone .dwqa-read-more’, function(event) {
things started working as expected.
Hopefully the change can be made to the next version so I don’t have to continually re-apply this change after every update.
Great work, and it was longtime that it was not upgrade yet.
1# here is screenshot of embed question:
all of site element, head, menu…will be embedded, any way to resolve?
2# secondly, it would be great if it can be disable display at front-end for users or some user roles, it is very hard for user to use it in mobile mode, but it is quite great tool for Admin. so it would great if it can provide an option at backend for disable or enable for display to user at front-end.
]]>Can I embed a question into another wordpress post/page?
(what if the destination wordpress doesnot have dwqa installed?)
How can a person who asks a question anonymously, and lists the his e-mail, will be notified by e-mail that has an answer on the site?
Now the situation is that only those who registered on the site get a message.
]]>I have the DW Q&A installed, and it works just fine
people submit questions
and answer them
now I’d like to insert a question in a post
but I sure don’t see any way to do this
why don’t you include how to use it in the Installation tab?
I installed the plugin fine – I see it but have to guess how to use it
You say “Paste your question link inside your blog’s post.”
why the heck do I need this plugin if a link is the same?
]]>Dear all,
I was able to install successfully
But when click to view a topic then I got the 404 error message
Could you please help? Here is admin account
Username: admin
Pass: admin@07
Thanks very much
]]>My endgame is to ask a question on the website and that will automatically appear on a chosen twitter Anyone already invented this particular wheel?
]]>This guide explains all just takes a while to find
]]>Finally found out that the plugin needs to be fixed before it will work . Dont blame the builders they are free so no complaining
But my review is
Difficulty Level 6 (Newbie 1 ~ MIT Grad 10 )
Took about 45 minutes to figure out
after you have installed both plugins go to your ftp thingy and go into the wordpres folders find the plugin and change the folder of the plugin for the embed plugin folder from dw-question-answer-embed-question/ to dwqa-embed-question and the plugin will be fine.
]]>I must remeber to confirm that the plugin is still working before i start
so is it
>> DWQA Embed and check the box Enable Social Share. Make sure that you press the Submit button.
dwqa embed odes not show?
I am having a major conflict with Woocommerce and DWQA. For whatever reason, when I click on the question category on the main page (question-list) of DWQA plugin, I get a strange response from WordPress: I get a Woocommerce post (a product!) when I output the global $post. The DWQA plugin filters the question alright, it shows the correct output. However, it is querying a Woocoommerce post as well. I am really concerned because this could be causing other issues that I have not found.
Here are some details that might help when checking the page request:
Request: questions/category/iphone
Matched rule: questions/category/([^/]+)/?$
Matched Query: category=iphone
Query Vars: category=iphone; taxonomy=category; term=iphone; wc_query=product_query
In this case, DWQA shares a taxonomy with Woocommerce and another plugin. Is that what is causing this conflict?
I have tried a few different things and have not been able to work around this. Please please, help!!!
]]>This is a great plugin but I have encountered a problem. The text editor for submitting questions/answers defaults to the website’s editor, allowing people to attach media, embed, etc….. I need to allow basic text entry like that found in typical comment submissions to avoid risking uploads, malicious code, attached media etc. Is there some way to work around this issue?
]]>i have installed DWQA Embed” plugin after i installed DW Question & Answer plugin, and i also moved folder “dw-question-answer-embed-question” under “dw-question-answer”, but both situations i couldn’t find DWQA Embed appeared, how can i solve this problem ?
]]>When visitors comment a question via jetpack comments, their comments always appear as from “Anonymous”, irrespective of the fact that they are registered (via jetpack comments. NB: not in WP). Can this be solved in order to appear with their real/selected name.
]]>Version 1.0.0 / WP 3.9.2
I, too! I do not see the changes!
]]>Fatal error: Call to a member function load_template() on a non-object in /home/afternoo/public_html/ on line 24
This is in preview of embed. When i click embed i have a preview & in the preview box is this error.
]]>I like your Q&A plugin, but one thing is missing (or I missed it). Where can I find shortcodes to add to my pages to display categories of Q&As? It would be awesome if there were shortcodes for tags, or most recent 25 Q&A answered as well.
Thank you!
I have installed this plugin but can’t see any changes!
Please let me know..