ERROR: An error was encountered while trying to authenticate. Please try again.
Steps followed:
* Downloaded Universal Prompt Plugin
* Logged into our Administrator Portal.
* Activated Plugin.
* Went to settings page.
* In Duo Administrator Portal, visted Application, added WordPress application. – Carefully copied all three string values from the Admin portal to the setting in WordPress website.
* Applied settings, became immediately logged out.
* Tried to login, get the above error message directly back from WordPress site, no redirection attempted to external login process.
* Tried a number of times. – Same results. (Password is saved in pwd manager, and is being presented to base WordPress login screen without typing, so I’m not making a typo).
* Renamed duo-universal plugin folder to duo-universal.bak
* Logged into website without any issues.
* Reverted the duo-universal.bak plugin folder name to duo-universal.
* Logged out on next page refresh, cannot log back in.
From here I will be unable to revisit my plugin settings page, as I cannot login as an admin, while the plugin is present. I suggest I may be in a non-recoverable position now…?