Hello, wondering if you guys are still supported this product? I have a pro plugin user, whenever I run the sync, it says “error” — it’s not clear if it’s working but at the least it shows error. Any ideas?
My Ebay key has expired, how can i renew it or get a new one?
Is there a way to set the keys not to expired?
thank you
]]>Could you please add percentage price calculation.
I find it really difficult and slow to work with fix price and multiply prices. It causes a lot of problems when prices change from ebay. It also takes so long to work on prices.
I really hope you can add percentage to pricing, I can’t use the plugin anymore due to pricing complications.
Thank you
I have been trying to create an API keys on ebay I got a client Api but not a secret one. there is also a note where it requires the own of the application to give their client a user token to be able to use the application.
Could I please get some help with this issue,
It’s been very time consuming and frustrating.
thank you
I’ve been able to get all the apis etc so starting to test the plugin.
I’ve noticed that the pricing multiplier does not work.
I add a multiplier of 1.2 in the settings and press save. It shows as saved but if I refresh the page it is empty.
also if I add 1.2 multiplier to the pricing rules and then look at the prices there is no difference and the price in the import list is 0 where the dropship price should be.
I’m guessing that the multiplier is not saving correctly in the database.
It would be great for this to be fixed. I love the ali2woo dropshipping plugin but would like to see if ebay dropshipping is feasable too.
I’ve applied for and got the ebay developers programme but before I can get any api keys I need to comply with marketplace deletion/account closure notification process.
anyone been successful with that and getting the plugin to work?
]]>Hi there,
I just want to know if this plugin still working.
I just came across it and would like to try it out, but I need to know it’s still working and in use.
Thank you
We are a developer of the Advanced Shipment Tracking for WooCommerce plugin. We need to add the compatibility with your plugin.
Can you please add a hook in the save_tracking_code function in the dropshipping-with-ebay-for-woocommerce/includes/classes/model/E2WL_Woocommerce.php file.
Replace the save_tracking_code function with below
public function save_tracking_code($external_order_id, $tracking_code) {
global $wpdb;
$result = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT post_id as ID FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key='_e2w_external_order_id' AND meta_value={$external_order_id}");
if ($result) {
if (!is_array($tracking_code)) {
$tracking_code = array($tracking_code);
foreach ($tracking_code as $code_value) {
$code_value = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $code_value));
add_post_meta($result->ID, '_e2w_tracking_code', $code_value);
do_action('e2wl_after_add_tracking_code', $result->ID, $code_value);
return true;
} else {
return false;
Let me know if you have any questions.