I’m having some issues with the plugin that I hope you could help me with or implement a fix in your next update.
I’ve noticed that when the plugin is active, the Shipping Zones in Woocommerce shipping settings disappear. The shipping options that I’ve created in the Shipping Zone, for example the Local pickup option is still active on the checkout page despite the fact that It’s completely gone from the settings.
I curiously disabled the Dropp plugin to see what would happen and the Shipping Zone magically reappeared just as it was set up initially.
Also If the Dropp plugin is active, trying to create a new Shipping Zone does not work as it just displays an endless loading icon when trying to add a shipping method inside it.
Hi Team,
We are developing an app for our WooCommerce store where we use the WooCommerce rest api as the backend. So as a Shipping option, we use Dropp and we create a shipping order using the Dropp Rest API. But the Dropp booking details are not shown in WooCommerce Order details. How do we connect the Woocommerce order and the Dropp Shipping order?
Thanks & Regards,
]]>I am using this plugin on our website “https://maxeffort.is/checkout/” page but this is the default WooCommerce page. I want to integrate the checkout page with Elementor but this plugin is not working on this page. location popup is not working on the click to “Dropp” option.
You can check the screenshot: https://prnt.sc/RFLzwb04wNQM
I want the same design from the Elementor but plugin is not working. Can you please let me know this plugin does support with Elementor page. If yes then please let me know to work this plugin on checkout page with Elementor.
Thank You.
]]>description says that plugin is php>7.4 but in fact it uses functions that are only in php 8 (like ‘str_starts_with’)
I know life of php 7.4 has ended, but (fun fact) WordPress core is still with only beta support for php 8.
]]>Hi, I′ve translated all the strings in this plugin except for one string that I′m having an issue with “Social Security Number”. It is translated in the backend but the translation does not show on the frontend. I′m using Locotranslate. Could you look into it?