i upgrated the php version of my site to 7.0.25 but i have these error with your plugin:
Warning: Declaration of shailan_PageWalker::start_lvl(&$output, $depth) should be compatible with Walker::start_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in /web/htdocs/www.ponzaracconta.it/home/wp-content/plugins/dropdown-menu-widget/shailan-page-walker.php on line 111
Warning: Declaration of shailan_PageWalker::end_lvl(&$output, $depth) should be compatible with Walker::end_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in /web/htdocs/www.ponzaracconta.it/home/wp-content/plugins/dropdown-menu-widget/shailan-page-walker.php on line 111
Warning: Declaration of shailan_PageWalker::start_el(&$output, $page, $depth, $args = Array, $current_page = NULL) should be compatible with Walker::start_el(&$output, $object, $depth = 0, $args = Array, $current_object_id = 0) in /web/htdocs/www.ponzaracconta.it/home/wp-content/plugins/dropdown-menu-widget/shailan-page-walker.php on line 111
Warning: Declaration of shailan_PageWalker::end_el(&$output, $page, $depth) should be compatible with Walker::end_el(&$output, $object, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in /web/htdocs/www.ponzaracconta.it/home/wp-content/plugins/dropdown-menu-widget/shailan-page-walker.php on line 111
Warning: Declaration of shailan_CategoryWalker::start_lvl(&$output, $depth, $args) should be compatible with Walker::start_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in /web/htdocs/www.ponzaracconta.it/home/wp-content/plugins/dropdown-menu-widget/shailan-category-walker.php on line 154
Warning: Declaration of shailan_CategoryWalker::end_lvl(&$output, $depth, $args) should be compatible with Walker::end_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in /web/htdocs/www.ponzaracconta.it/home/wp-content/plugins/dropdown-menu-widget/shailan-category-walker.php on line 154
Warning: Declaration of shailan_CategoryWalker::start_el(&$output, $category, $depth, $args) should be compatible with Walker::start_el(&$output, $object, $depth = 0, $args = Array, $current_object_id = 0) in /web/htdocs/www.ponzaracconta.it/home/wp-content/plugins/dropdown-menu-widget/shailan-category-walker.php on line 154
Warning: Declaration of shailan_CategoryWalker::end_el(&$output, $page, $depth, $args) should be compatible with Walker::end_el(&$output, $object, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in /web/htdocs/www.ponzaracconta.it/home/wp-content/plugins/dropdown-menu-widget/shailan-category-walker.php on line 154
Now i returned to php 5.6.32 and it works.
Thank you for support
]]>Some change between versions 1.96 and 1.97 breaks something related to the height of my nav bar. The nav bar now overlays on top of other elements of my site. If I go back to 1.96 it looks normal again.
When using ssl and page loads with https, there is an error in js console:
Mixed Content: The page at ‘https://example.com/myaccount/orders/’ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet ‘https://example.com/wp-content/plugins/dropdown-menu-widget/themes/pills.css’. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
and widget loads without css styling!
Would you please solve this problem?
]]>Hi, I am using Zerif Lite for my WordPress site. However, the dropdown on mu website is always cut off and the words cannot be seen. How do I change it so that the dropdown can be seen?
]]>Will this plugin resolve the problem of drop down menus not working correctly on iphones?
]]>I have used this plugin for a navigation bar and would also like to use it for a sidebar menu. But I want a sidebar menu that:
1) Is made up by predefined custom menus in the WordPress menu-editor so that I can have different menus for different parts of the site
2) Only shows the subpages that is one level under the page (parent page, subpage, etc.) that is viewed/clicked on
3) Shows the subpages by expanding the menu, instead of a vertical dropdown menu, so that it is possible for the students to see where I am on the site all the time in the classroom
Can I use this plugin for that, and if so how ?
Or can anyone recommend a plugin for that ?
]]>I would like to be able to change the color of the menu bar with the theme “none” and if from the administration panel of the application I put the colors that I would like to put it, it does not save the changes even if I have the option “use custom color” inhabited.
Could you help me?
]]>How do you get the Dropdown Menu widget to work with theme Twenty Eleven?
]]>How do you get the Dropdown Menu widget to work with them Twenty Eleven?
]]>I like your plugin very much, but I miss the opportunity to make the navigation-menu sticky.
I have tried to make it sticky by going in appearance and set the menu to sticky. But that don’t work for the dropdown menu-plugin.
How can I make the dropdown-menu sticky ?
]]>I need to change the z-index value of the dropdown menu. Can I do that with the Custom CSS section? If so, how would I do that?
]]>After setting up the menu, the submenu seems to ‘stick’ after moving the mouse AWAY from the submenu.
Solution? It happens in both Chrome and Firefox.
]]>We have a slightly unusual setup. One of our menu items (Services) is linked to a static page where we provide some introductory text and an overview of that particular category using WP_Query.
We have placed this page into our menu and your widget highlights the page as current_page without any problems.
However, we also need the Services link to be highlighted as current_page when one of the items on the services page is linked (ie. /category/services).
Is this possible? Perhaps a hook to manually enable this?
Many thanks, R
]]>Hi There,
Thanks for the plugin.
I’ve run into a slight bug. When the plugin is activated it adds an options page inside shailia.DropDownMenu.php
. The third parameter for add_option_page
passed was edit_themes
, however I had to change this to manage_options
to get my administrator page to work.
Now that I have changed this it all works perfectly.
I wasn’t sure what type of access you wanted for your plugin but changing this will let only administrators change this (I’m not sure why I wasn’t able to see the menu because as manage_options
is higher than edit_themes
and should have worked)
Anyway. Just wanted to give you a heads up!
Have a good day
Let me know if you need anymore info.
]]>I was checking to see if there is a update to this plugin in the works for WordPress version 4.3 and the deprecated function for WP_Widget() issue.
Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use __construct() instead.
I use the plugin with “Pills by Shailan” template, but when my mouse is over, the text is bold … How can I fix it ?
My website is : https://www.montres-luxe-collection.com
I have a variety of Dropdown Menu Widgets used in sidebars and in the footer – using the “Color Scheme” theme, with “glassy” overlay (they’re working fine… great plugin!).
But, there is no setting in the custom colors section to Set The Active Menu Item Text Color (the tab/link that indicates the current page they are on) – and nothing I’ve tried in the Custom CSS has worked to correct this.
What do I need to put in the Custom CSS (advanced tab) – to Set The Active Menu Item Text Color?
]]>Just upgraded our WordPress from 4.1 to 4.21 and the drop down menu widget stopped working properly, now only displaying the menu items in a hierarchy list instead of drop down menu. I do see now that it was identified as not tested with this WP version. Will there be an update?
]]>Dear Support,
When I tried to activate Dropdown menu plugin, I received for the short time following information: “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”
After that, I could activate, but when I tried to go in plugin settings, I received the same information: “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”
My site is on www.remarpro.com last version 4.1.1.
Is there maybe some connection because plugin is still not updated with last WordPress version?
Kindly ask you for your help.
My site link: https://samuradi.com/
Is version 1.9.4 compatible with wp 4.1.1?
Hi, i installed the plugin but how can i change the color of the line’s between menu items. Now its blue.
]]>I have some – hopefully minor issues with using the current version with Internet Explorer 7.
In the dropdown menus the entries are not highlighted using the full width of the submenu but only the width of the entries’ text is hightlighted.
Does somebody know a (css) fix to solve his ?
Я по ошибке ввел в поле Custom CSS параметр “<div> heght: 40px;” после чего изменился вид страницы настройки плагина и теперь я ничего не могу изменить. Скажите, пожалуйста, сделать сброс к исходным параметрам? Переустановка плагина не помогает, проблема сохраняется. Когда я захожу на страницу настроек плагина, консоль WordPress тоже изменяется, не знаю, что делать.
]]>Hello —
Great plugin… Everything is working fine, but I haven’t been able to find a way to have an Active Menu Item in Dropdown Menu Widget’s menus be a different color (background -or- text), like what occurs in all my site’s main navigation menus. I’ve changed the options for Custom Colors (hover, mouse over, etc.)… and have tried changing a variety of items in my theme’s stylesheet – but nothing has worked there that affects the Dropdown Menus.
Appreciate any help…
]]>Hi there,
Is it possible to add an image before the first menu item using this menu?
I’m pretty sure it can be done using CSS but I just can’t get my head around what I need to do.
Any help much appreciated.
How can I add the dropdown menu in a text widget.
I have tried the php template tag but it only show the last code” ‘pages’ ) ); ?> ” only.
Please help,
the drop down menus on the site I just started running are working fine in firefox but they don’t come up in safari. Can someone walk me through how to fix this?
The site is
Thank you!
]]>Hello, everytime I export my database (via phpmyadmin) and set up my site on another server, the settings for my menu do not save and it resets the menu to the default grey one.
Can you tell me where the options save to and why this would be happening?
Kind regards,
Hey nice plugin! I’ve found it easy to install and use so far but I’m unable to changed the text color of the dropdown menu. I’ve changed the Link Text Colour to what I want in the Custom Colors but they are only showing up in the demo and not on my page: https://www.weeaboodesu.com.
I’m using the Webicator theme could I possibly change the font through the style.css? If so what would changing the font come under? I’m kinda new to creating websites so any help would be greatly appreciated!
]]>High email activity from following path:
plugins/dropdown-menu-widget/themes/nvidia.com/images 3 args: /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
Whats the problem?