With the last update being 12 years ago. I want to appeal to the author to update this plugin which I like so much to current practice.
One of the request I’m also making is for color to be added.
How do I use this?? I can not find any instruction or guidelines about the shortcodes.
thanks for the best plugin for drop cap.
I’ve got one problem: in some posts initial letter is covering next paragraph.
There everything is okay: https://www.lichquinn.pl/Lich/zazdrosny/
There isn’t: https://www.lichquinn.pl/Quinn/dr-oetker/
additionally i can’t edin plugin settings. When I try to edit dropcaps.css or other css file in this plugin, nothing is happen. I tried to uncheck discussed in readme option in plugin options, and there is no results.
Please help me
]]>Getting frustrated…
Using 2014 template. Why is the drop cap code’s default setting so complex? Red background with white typography and text shadow? And trying to find the same code anywhere that matches elements view is frustrating. Opened CSS for drop cap plug in and nowhere is “background-color” or “text shadow” code anywhere to be found to adjust or turn off, set to 0, whatever.
Can I just get a simple plain black font drop cap with no background color, text shadow or any other embellishments without jumping through flaming hoops? Any changes that I was able to make in the plug in CSS didn’t update any changes at all. What am I doing wrong?
It says it lives in integrity lite CSS? Can’t find it anywhere in 2014.
Thank you for any advice. The programmer’s logic defeats me here.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I’m a rookie.
The example in question is
Thank you in advance for any input or suggestions,
[email protected]
Following warning is given even after plugin uninstall… Very annoying, not resolved yet.
Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘dropcap_header’ was given in /nfs/c07/h04/mnt/107091/domains/phpsandbox.phylsys.com/html/wp/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 395
Help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Very nice plug-in!
Seems to work fine with WP 3.
But how to style the initial letter in a different font from the text? Hmm …
Hey, I don’t know if this plugin is still actively developed, but it’s really great! The only problem I’m having is that it’s applying the cap class to captions as well as normal post content, which looks really weird. It would be great if there were a way to exclude captions from being drop capped, but the regex is a little too complicated for me to figure out.