On WordPress 6.6.1 the plugins settings cannot be saved. Upon save all check boxes are set to blank and the plugin stops working even on default post types.
The success message also comes in as html code:
<div id="message" style="margin-top: 10px;" class="updated"><p><strong>Success:</strong> The plugin options have been successfully updated!</p></div>
Issue reported in previous topic has been sorted and new version has been published.
Thanks willshouse for reporting!
]]>It looks like the plugin is using sanitize_meta incorrectly, as it is only passing one argument to the function:
Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function sanitize_meta(), 1 passed in plugins/drag-drop-featured-image-improved/assets/views/options.php on line 16 and at least 3 expected
As a result, the options page is not able to be saved because it triggers a fatal error.