Is there a way to add posts automatically with specific custom field or most popular posts?
]]>Hi, I’m just discovering this homepage organizer, great!!!
But it didn’t like the WP 3.5 update, since then, it just does’nt save changes after drag & drop and come back as it was before modifications…
Thank’s for your time…
]]>First off, yes, the plugin works, but as said before it controls more than the home page and turning it off does not return everything to normal.
Also it conflicted with my theme (f8-lite) Turning on the slider on every page instead of just the home page.
After uninstalling it stayed that way. I have no idea where to look (aside from the obvious theme php files) to fix this, so I resorted to reinstalling everything from a backup.
]]>Drag and Sort is controlling every page, not just the Home Page.
Testing this plugin with TwentyEleven template on 3.4.1, it is working quite fine except that custom menu is not showing correctly when the plugin is activated and enabled.
Test site :, the custom menu widget on the sidebar is returning empty <ul>
Thanks for your help