I tried this plugin. After two hours trying and looking up in paypal how the notify back service did work and so, i decided to google on remarks of othersm, and found the remarks of other users. Than I stopped.
I agree:
– Not documented good enough (installation manual)
– As far as I can see only one product (I have many)
=> Not usable and not ready to put in production as I would say. Sorry for the developer, I highly appreciate the effort spent in it. Maybe with additional documentation and multiple product feature it would be a great plugin. I would love to try it when that works, and act as ‘tester’ -> notify me when ready.
To any reader: please let me know which plugin / solution you finally took. We can help eachother… see mailadress below. I am implementing it on https://www.willehalmpress.org
]]>Downloaded the latest version. Uploaded to the wp-contents file. Activated it. Filled out the Admin sheet. Put the [downloadPerPaypal] on the page where I am selling my ebook. Nothing shows up on the page to click on to sell the book. Also disappointed in that the instructions are vague. Doesn’t tell you how to go and edit your book or whether or how to “sell” more than one book. Say you have 5 does each one have to have a separate page? No place for paypal to return to unless it is this page. On the paypal side, I have IPN enabled but needs a return page but this plug-in explains very little on the paypal side. Nice that I know enough about plugs ins and this is the third one I’ve tried. Tried the Demon Product Download Demon… at least it would go to paypal after I played around with it for 4 hrs. but wouldn’t return to the correct page. Too bad.
]]>Fiddled around for awhile but having finally set it up, it blatantly displays the “thank you for your order” page on the site’s menu.
Clicking that results in a Paypal button to order it?
There is also a page needed for downloads. That is ALSO on the menu, with shortcode on it.
Looks totally unprofessional.
Perhaps I could change the name of the thank you page into “order over here” or something… However that doesn’t excuse the downloads page showing, and worse, there is ZERO security for the file. It can easily be downloaded with a different browser and no cookies – meaning Google will find and index the contents etc.
Love the concept of a simple Paypal button to sell my ebook but the execution is completely hopeless. Sorry
]]>Hello! When configuring the” Download Per Paypal” Plugin, tere is a link at the very top which should direct me to an IPN setup page. Instead, when clicking on the link I am taken to /”plugins.php?page=DownloadPerPaypal\” (quotes included), resulting in a 404 error File Not Found.
Plus, it seems the plugin doesn’t “know” my WordPress blog is not in the root, but in a subdirectory within.
Any workaround, please? Thanks!