Hello Help me out to fix this when ever i want to download a song the Plugin keeps saying You don’t have permission to access this resource.MelAbu WP Download Counter Button thats the Plugin i use for my audio Uploads
my email is [email protected]
]]>When I click download button it shows proper addition but when new user comes it shows the count as 0 and when he clicks 1st time it shows proper addition but why it shows 0 initially to new user? How to set that proper?
]]>We have plugged in the code and this looks like a simple to use awesome plugin. We are having an issues where after the button there is a large space before the next item below the next item.
Here is a sample of the code.
Any recommendations?
I use the wp super cache in my website. If the plugin is activate, the counter doen’t refresh. How to exclude your plugin of wp super cache system ?
Thanks you!
Great plugin ??
It’s possible to add a _blank for my URL settings ? A shortcode for that ?
Thanks you!
]]>When I go to my post, everything that goes after the shortcode does not appear. The button will not appear and the rest of the page will not appear as well. It is all blank. I really would love to see an update for WP 4.7.3.
I created and checked the buttons in one domain. It was working fine.
Within the same server, i just moved the site from one domain to another domain. Site is working well. But the Posts, which are containing the Button are not working.
the following error msg is occur.
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function finfo_open() in ….\wp-content\plugins\download-counter-button\classes\class.MelibuDownloaderAbstract.php on line 133
My wordpress version is 4.7
]]>After clicking on download: here are it displays me :
Warning: Invalid error type specified in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\download-counter-button\classes\class.MelibuDownloader.php on line 355
Please someone can help me ?
]]>Running into several issues with 1.8.6 (downloaded today):
1) There is a lot of whitespace added after the button. About 10 lines or so. The raw code shows nothing between the shortcode and the next line of text.
2) The nice colorful buttons you show in the examples do not appear. I get a rectangular gray button. In the settings, design, Images & Layout, where I suspect a button should appear there is the text in a box “MeliBu WP Download Counter Button Logo”. When you click on choose file, it drops me into my local “E:/Temp” directory where there is nothing useful to select.
3) Colors do not work well. Icon colors only changes the color of a thin green vertical line. Button colors changes the text color, but not what is indicted. “Black Flat” shows white text in the Preview button. Label colors does nothing. None of the color choices changes the background, which is always dark grey.
I have no problem with the actual button working – it does count clicks and does jump to the URL.
]]>I’m not sure if this is what I need, but I’m trying to get a download counter for files uploaded with Formidable pro. This is the shortcode I am using:
[foreach 397][wp_mb_plugin_download instance="1" password="" buttonname="Download" name="[401 show=label]" datetime="" other="" atagseo=""][401 html=1][/wp_mb_plugin_download][/foreach]
The download link works on the page, but there is just an error message:
I didnt found any realated topic.
The melibu wp downloads counter is not working with WordPress 4.6.1, it always say file not found in red
I’m trying to use this plug in because I think it is the best way to go without the needing of adding all your downloads as post in other windows before you can use it but I have not been able to use it because plug in is broken with WordPress 4.6.1 and I am wondering if you are going to fix it or not because it has been so many time from now and it still not working
Here is my problem: the counter feature doesn’t work.
Then if I download a file encapsulated in your button, its counter increases from 0 to 1 but if I refresh the page it’s still indicating 0.
My code:
[download instance="10" name="CharacterProfiler" datetime="11.5.2016 08:11" other="version 1.6.3"]https://wowroster.reborn.free.fr/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/rpgo-characterprofiler_1.6.3.zip[/download]
The button look & feel is correct and the download successfully starts: only the counter feature doesn’t work.
After investigating the DB, I saw the tables “melibu_dcb” and “melibu_dcb_sub” have been succesfully created but there is no record in thoses tables.
Should I add records manually on them for every single instance I need to be available for download?
I already had this issue with the previous versions of you component :s
Thank you for telling how to solve this.
Best regards,
Code I’m using:
[download instance=”1″ name=”Download” datetime=”3.4.2016 17:31″ other=”v.0.9 (alpha)”]https://mastermentalhealthprogramme.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Master-Mental-Health.pdf[/download]
Link to page: https://mastermentalhealthprogramme.com/shop/
Even when I click the button, nothing happens. What’s wrong?
]]>Is there an option to make the counter only visible for admins, but hide it for the frontend users?
I like the look of the buttons etc., but I can’t make it work with dropbox download links that lead to a ZIP archive in dropbox’ public folder. Would be great to get that solved.
I installed the plugin but I did not find any documentation regarding shorcodes and how to use it?