how can i reset the donation counter? does anyone have an idea? Thanks
]]>Is there any way to set a minimum amount? I keep having people enter .01 which of course paypal eats. I don’t want them to be able to donate less than a dollar.
]]>At this time when a user sets up reoccurring donation they are being auto cancelled. Called and talked with PayPal. They say from their end it looks like the plugin is correctly setting up the reoccurring donation with the proper amount but once a single payment is made cancels the profile it just set up.
Has anyone noticed this problem or been able to solve it?
I am Monet and i would like to know if your plugin is up for adoption, I would like to continue to maintain and support the plugin. And add more new features.
[email protected]
Pourquoi les donateurs ne sont pas affiché sur le mur
Why donors are not posted on the wall
The shortcode not working.[donorwall]
Now that I am running WP 4.0 Paypal is sending me 404 errors on my IPN. When I type in the URL WP says paypal.php is 404 tho I have confirmed that it does exist on the server.
Has anyone else had this problem or knows how to fix paypal.php so that it again processes paypal IPN’s?
How Can I Unsubscribe Recurring Donation system in Donate Plus Plugin ?
I’ve just set up Donor Plus. Amazing plug-in, thank you! It’s the best donation plug-in I’ve tried so far and I’ve tried quite a few.
I discovered a small bug: when someone makes a donation and ticks of only to show personal details but not amount on donation wall things work fine. But if I go into the donation from the admin and change the message and then hit save the amount is suddenly displayed on the donation wall.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Also here are some suggestions for future versions:
From the settings-page be able to choose what field should be visible in the form (URL is for example for many not that interesting).
And it would also be really good to be able to predefine the options for what appears on the donation wall so that it is the same for all the users who want to be there and it also takes away one step in the donation process.
I am having issues with the Donate Plus plugin. The form it is displaying is very basic.. not like what shows in the ScreenShots page. How can I fix this?
I just installed this plugin and am excited to use it but am seeing a strange “x” next to the repeat donation options and also an extra blank field. I’ve tried changing different options and also deactivated other plugins but it’s still there:
Anyone know how to fix this?
Please let me know.
]]>If we can’t sort by date, could you at least enable us to show donors names sorted alphabetically? PLS
]]>Having an issue with the Donor wall information… when the user clicks “Put my Donation on the Recognition Wall,” the Name/Email/Website boxes slide out, but then slide right back so that the user is unable to fill them out.
Any advice?
]]>I have created some customised paypal buttons in my paypal account to ensure that my three different types of donations get different references in paypal. Is there a way to use these buttons with this plugin ?
]]>Brought down the site with this error: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare widget_donateplusform() (previously declared in /home/typsy265/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/donate-plus/dplus-widget.php:8) in /home/typsy265/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/donate-plus/dplus-widget.php on line 8
Manually removed the plug-in
]]>Can you add an option beneath your Donation Description option that would allow there to be a text field instead of a hidden form field so that they could type in something like Children’s Ministry, or Mission Trip?
So instead of this:
<input type=”hidden” name=”item_name” value=”Donation to Paradigm Church”>
It would be this:
<label for=”item_name”>Description: </label>
<input type=”text” name=”item_name”>
i got a big problem with this plugin.
i hope you understand my problem – i am not so good in english :/.
my problem is, when anyone do a donation on my page with this plugin, this donation repeats automatically 3-4 times or more although i did click on “no repeat donation” in the settings.
i tested this with the “paypal sandbox” – is the bug only there?
when i am going in my paypaltestaccount which i have done donation, i see only one time that my money is gone. but in my admincenter i see that this donation are 3-4 times or more …why?
i hope really you can help me
thanks a lot.
]]>i am using this plug in to auto send a download link after donating. however, not one is receiving it.
i put the IPN link in my paypal account if that matters. and all of the IPN status say Retrying.
also, people are never redirected to the thank you message.
please help!
]]>Hi !
How I can add a donors manually. A donors make a donation by my website but I don’t know what he did after going on paypal , but the donation don’t appear on my blog ( but I receive it with a paypal confirmation ). Not in the DonatePlus option too. Soo I ask him if he want to be on the wall (he say yes) and I want to add it manually.
]]>The paypal button is stretched on my page. Why is happening do you think? I’m using [donateplus] shortcode.
]]>Nice plugin.
Is it possible to use/add different gateways?
If yes how?
]]>I live in China, and I wanted to use this plugin for my website, but Paypal first told me that I can use this plugin at once, but then they told me that I need to be a register orgination to us Donation Plugin because I live in Asia.
Could you tell me if there is such restriction to Donate Plus?
Could you recommend me the right Donate Plugin for my website? I currently never think of being registerd orgination.
]]>The default display is largest donations on top and smallest donations at the bottom of the Donor Wall. I would like to show Most Recent donation at top, and the oldest at the bottom. Please tell me how to do this.
Also, it would be nice if there was a way to “star” or mark a donor as a “favorite,” something that would let you make certain donations “sticky” so they’re always at top.
]]>How do I put a person on the donate wall who did not donate through paypal?
]]>Hi guys,
I now have Donate Extra on here just go to
or search for Donate Extra.
]]>I think i’m going to rename the plugin so i can host it here and you can all get automatic updates rather than hosting it on my server, As you would have to keep checking my site for updates.
Where as if it was hosted here your control panel would notify you of updates.
So to rectify this issue i will make a fork of Donate Plus and call it Donate Extra .
Hopefully i will have it live on the WP Plugins site very soon.
Hi all,
I’m not wanting to tread on the developers toes but it seems he has vanished, and there are plenty of us that would like a copy that works with 3.4.2 and up.
So i have taken it on myself to produce a fixed version for which i have upped the version number to 1.90 .
Should the developer come back on the scene i will give him all my fixes and let him continue. Until then i will try and keep it upto date although i cannot put it on here as i do not have access.
If enough people are happy with this then i will publish the plugin on a page on our site along with changelogs etc.
Don’t know if this affected anyone else or bothered anyone but on my site the Show on Wall select box and the Comments box are slightly off to the right from the rest.
Here are the fixes required to tidy everything up :
In donate-plus.php
Find the line like
<p class="show_onwall" id="wallops"><label for="show_onwall" >'.__('Show on Wall', 'dplus').':</label><br /><select name="item_number" >
And replace with this
<p class="show_onwall" id="wallops"><label for="show_onwall" >'.__('Show on Wall', 'dplus').':</label><br /><select name="item_number" style="position: relative; left: -10px;">
That fixes the “Show on Wall” box.
Next find this line:
<p class="donor_comment"><label for="donor_comment">'.__('Comments', 'dplus').':</label><br /><textarea name="os1" id="donor_comment" rows="4" cols="45" style="width:90%"></textarea><br /><span id="charinfo">'.__('Write your comment within 199 characters.','dplus').'</span> </p></div>';
Replace with :
<p class="donor_comment"><label for="donor_comment">'.__('Comments', 'dplus').':</label><br /><textarea name="os1" id="donor_comment" rows="4" cols="45" style="width:90%; position: relative; left: -10px;"></textarea><br /><span id="charinfo">'.__('Write your comment within 199 characters.','dplus').'</span> </p></div>';
And that should align the Comments box too.
Hope this helps?
]]>I have got fixed the IPN issues on Donate Plus and it now works fully with Paypals IPN.
email me : justine AT for details.
I’m having the same problem that I’ve seen others post, but unfortunately those threads has been closed without a clear resolution for them.
I have posted the [donorwall] and [donatetotal] shortcodes on my page but the data does not show up.
My IPN URL is set up in PayPal. I’ve made a couple of manual code changes to the donate-plus.php file that another user suggested, but still no change.
]]>Hi !
If you are interested in changing the widget-code to the new Widget-API, so the widgets could be used on several Sidebars, please send me a message.
I also added a small mod to the “donateplustotal” widget, so the amount will be linked to the donate-plus-wall from settings.
It would be nice if you could integrate this into the default code.