Hey, the donation-goal-widget.js file includes this line:
var $jd = jQuery.noConflict();
This causes any jQuery loaded after it to not work, because it relies on $
to reference jQuery.
Instead, wrap your whole function in this:
jQuery(function ($jd) {
and it will function without breaking jQuery scripts loaded after it.
]]>so we have a problem, it works on a local server but we uploaded it and it just shows the empty picture.
The website is https://hawleybennett.com/ and you can see it in the right pane there. The error we get is above,
We checked “Make sure you have URL File access on your web server is turned on. In php.ini, set the following fields to ‘On’: allow_url_fopen = On; allow_url_include = On;” and it is on. Any advise would be great.
]]>first of all, you need to put it in a condition specific to the plugin page, because other wise you can messed up other plugins or even the admin panel functionality as you did here.
In donation-goal.php, I’ve moved the ‘add_filter(‘admin_head’,’donation_goal_tinymce’);’ to line 301, inside of the isset check like this:
if( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && $_GET['page'] == 'donate-goal/donation-goal.php' ){
add_action( 'admin_print_scripts', 'my_admin_scripts2' );
add_action( 'admin_print_styles', 'my_admin_styles' );
the issue is that something with the tinymce function call is messing up the tinymce in all of the admin.
With this method it is only messing up the plugin page.
Don’t have time to debug what is the specific bug with the call, but you can notice that some of the tinyMCE buttons (like paste from word or the “more” button) doesn’t show up.
please fix this in the next plugin update.
Instead of having to input the amount raised, I’m trying to display the number of rows in a particular MySQL Database table. Is this possible? If so could you point in the right direction?
I’ve started to do a little of the work on my own, but I’m now stuck. At the top where all of the other require php files are being called, I call my connect script, then run a COUNT (*) of my database to return the total number of rows. However, I can’t seem to get the amount raised value to recognize the number of rows.
]]>Hi all
Thank you for this great plugin!
Is there a way I can give access rights to the settings page to users not being admins?
Like I would that an editor could update our reached goal every months, but I would like not to give him admin rights.
Thank you for your response.