The lodash package used in this plugin as a dependency has known security issues and should be upgraded to at least 4.17.21 version.
I saw that the packages provided here and on Github use an old and compromised version (2.4.x).
As a Dokan and WPML user, i’d appreciate that WeDevs upgrade this plugin and provide a secure version.
]]>then switching between languages having active dashboard open then on some other languages it open broken dashboard page, i found out that “dokan-dashboard” class was missing on others languages neither on default one. looking deeply found that dokan-wpml plugin function add_dashboard_template_class_if_wpml had some incorrect logic, it always takes default translated page and compares to current page and it is always false, but should take default page, find out related translation id and validate.
if ( ( $current_page_id == $page_id ) ) { //default language page compares with current translated page and always false only if current languge !== default language
if ( ( $current_page_id == $post->ID ) ) { // translated page == current page
Is vendor can translate their products and their store information?
Please share with me any guide if you have one.
Is this plugin still needed for WPML ? seems that this is not a solution for vendors to translate their own products. how can we manage that ? how can vendor translate in frontend ?
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
Hello, Please let me know if I ll use that addon and all extensions ll it give option to add different languages in dokan multi-vendors dashboard site? Thanks