Is it possible to change the sort order for the document links widget, as by default it either sorts in ascending or decending order based on post/upload date. Ideally I would like it to sort via title.
Thanks in advance.
]]>I want to list a large number of documents in a page named Key Research Papers (see https://www.stopthewarondrugs.org). I’m wondering if there is any way to make the Document Links Widget plugin display the document in that page, instead of the sidebar.
PS My knowledge is quite basic, so I would really appreciate your advice being as detailed as possible.
]]>I’ve managed to associate certain documents with certain pages on my site using the special code posted in this forum and attaching documents to my pages. What if I want to limit the widget on these pages to showing only 5 or 10 documents total in descending order by date? Is there code I can modify or add in the plugin to accomplish this? Basically, it’s supposed to function as a “most recent files” widget.
]]>Yacroon came up with some great code to make the widget display only the documents attached to a single page. But, if I have 5 pages that are siblings, it would be so cool if all 5 pages could share the same document list display.
Here’s his code…
global $post; $result= $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID, post_title, guid, post_mime_type, post_date FROM ".$wpdb->posts." WHERE post_type = 'attachment' AND post_parent = ".$post->ID." ORDER BY post_date ".$sortOrder, ARRAY_N);
]]>This is truly an awesome plugin. Will it or can it be tweaked to work as shortcode?
]]>Is it possible to make documents uploaded private/password protected?
]]>I love what your widget does, but it lists ALL pdfs, zips, etc for the entire site. Can you limit it to what is associated with the current page?