Rating: 5 stars
There’s only so much American boy-wonder, marketing whizz-kid, half-finished developer BS plugins you can take. I love the fact that this one is built in the UK with a very British attitude and world-view, and spelling. This is one of my favourite plugins, not because it’s easy to set up and just works, but because it allows me, in fact it helps me, to enhance my websites with professional legal documents, written with an eye for detail, and designed and presented for adults. The documents are created by REAL legal experts for just about any type of business, or route to market, and obviously by people who know what they are doing. And the resulting text fits right in with whatever design I come up with, whether it’s an Elementor or Gutenberg site. Did I say I love the fact that this plugin is built in the UK with a very British attitude and world-view? Thought so.