How can I get the /doc/ breadcrumb to be a clickable link that goes back to my main documentation page where I’ve used the docu shortcode?
]]>Hi ,
Nice plugin
we have it technically all working,
but we don’t get the styling right
is all styling done in the style.css ?
or also in some parts of the application
if you want i can mail you a screenshot
how it looks like right now
in the code i saw also there is an option
to show when a doc was last updated
how do you activate that ?
Do you plan to add support to allow visitors to print or save documents?
]]>In post-type.php is says:
exclude_from_search = false
So docu posts show up in search by default – why?
Maybe I’m wrong, but docu posts are meant for editors only, not for visitors and should NOT appear in search results.
Hello DK
I am a non-programmer trying to learn how to use the custom CSS in WordPress DK PDF.
I have some of it working but seem to been having problems with some of the CSS commands.
As I understtand it, the pkpdf-index.php trumps or overwites style-css in my child theme. I have tried several themes.
My first problem is that I cannot get the settings TAB PK PDF to work. Nothing is recognized.
Some of the CSS placed into dkpdf-index.php works OK but I am having issues with table formating.
This works OK in style.css but does not pass to the PDF Button.
table, table tr, table tr td, table th, table th td {
/* border:hidden; */
border: 4px solid blue;
The PDF Button displays the heavy blue border ONLY in the TH row.
I have tried pasting the above CSS into pkpdf-index.php but no change in display.
Thanks any help you can offer.
The default style is not working well and will break a lot of available themes out there.
I suggest to use a more specific css instead
.col1 {
width: 100%;
float: left;
margin-bottom: 20px;
.col2-full {
width: 100%;
float: left;
margin-bottom: 20px;
/* [etc] */
Something like this is better:
#docudocu .col1 {
width: 100%;
float: left;
margin-bottom: 20px;
Incorporating a table of contents for each page would help with large projects. The ability to do a toc page would also help.
See Wiki Lite for what I’m talking about.
I am just wondering if we can use a mix of the built in categories and Docs AND the regular posts and categories in WP?
Perhaps calling in post content into a docs post.
I have a tutorial site:
I am thinking of creating a starting out with WordPress kind of section with a sidebar and a nice orderly index page that leads to various docs/posts. Hopefully your plugin can also create a flexible index page that I can go ahead and easily customize the CSS.
Have a great day!