A warm thanks for the plugin.
When i create an appointment, or prescription first it dont display. later after a research i found all of the appointments or prescription dates are set to 01-01-1970.
as a result its not showing on the plugin page. but when i search for custom date and give the range from something back of 1970 1st jan, all data shows.
More over every prescription is taking the date 01-01-1970. Seems some issue with date manipulation at plugins end.
Can you help to fix it?
All other data in my website is ok. so i concluded that its a plugins problem may be to parse the date.
Is it possible to remove a patient?
I didn’t figure how to do it with latest version.
Using wordpress 5.2.1 there is a problem with date applied to new patients, appointments or prescriptions. The date is set to 0 Epoch (1970/01/01).
Any idea how to add this to the front-end users? So they can set up their own appointments?
Thanks or at least documentation, so I can create my own one
]]>I have set up this plugin, I check the demo video also and there is no shortcode mentioned. I create the page as an appointment in WordPress. My question about how to set up this plugin? when the patient will click Book an appointment push button they can book an appointment.
I have installed their plugins since according to the description is what I need, the idea is to be able to register new patients from the wordpress backoffice and its prescriptions without publishing the calendar yet.
My web is mounted on wordpress 4.95 and php.7.2, but when you enable the plugins it executes well, if I go to the “doctor chambers” tab, I can see the “Manage Chambers -Manage Patients or Manage Prescriptions”, and want to add a record new this does not do anything and the web stays like nothing, it stays like thinking during this moment you can not do anything on the web and and demomento as it ends something that does from behind and after it is again able to select things in the backoffice. I’m interested in acquiring the full version, but first I need to know what happens to this version. I remain attentive to your prompt response. Thank you
I’m trying to translate the plugin purchased by a client. Does it have the .pot file? How do I translate it?
please let me know , does this plugin supports front end public appointments ??
After activating the plugin, I got the following error.
Please help me.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘class’ (T_CLASS), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or ‘{‘ or ‘$’ in /wp-content/plugins/doctor-appointment-booking/inc/Init.php on line 19
Waiting for your reply.