This plugin is not longer maintained, i decided to create another plugin, with better code and other features, you can find it at Ultimate media cleaner
I will delete the DNUI repository in a few months
For information i tested DNUI with WP 5.8 and it seem to be working
]]>Hello, have been a while (2 or 3 years without updating, posting or helping)
Some of you are worried about the last update date, so for answers some question
# Is this plugin still working?
This plugin is working in my main site (updated at the last WP version), so the plugin is still working ??
# Why the last version is from 2 – 3 years ago?
I used a lots WP for my main blog, but i stopped to add content to it, so i lost the main motivation to keep this plugin, but recently i want to create another tech blog so i will need a better version of the plugin, so maybe at end of the year i will sort it out i new one.
# Hate or love:
I see that this plugin keep the main curse, people hate it or love it, i think the work flow is not the best, so i will change it, another main problem is to find every image reference from the DB is hard, plugin make whatever they want, so is impossible to do one PHP plugin who find every 100%, so for the new version i will make one external service that will crawl your site and get all html, js, css images references (this service will be one external service and you will paid service)
Thank for every one of you (lovers and haters) to give me the feed back needed to make this plugin better.
You will have to keep waiting the new version, but you can give me your feedback here and motive me.
How to get rid of the error:
Hi Nicearma,
Since more than 1 year and 10 months since your last posting, and 2 years since an update, should we assume that you are no longer supporting this plugin?
]]>Something go wrong, please activate the debug option, see the last ‘tranform’ and ‘response: dnui_get_all_by_options_image’, you can see to the console ‘shift+ctrl+i’
]]>When i click on images, it shows “Fetching server..” for 2 seconds and then “Any pictures was found, try another page”, and i have a lot of images in the WordPress.
Which can be the problem?
]]>Hi I had this little problem, I did not delete multiple images that are not enclosed in the post why?
Waiting thank you in advance.
]]>Seems to have done a good job not deleting images on pages but my post featured images have gone.
Any advice on this?
]]>Hello I can not figure out why I get this problem and what is this problem.
I’m waiting for further confirmation.
Waiting I thank you in advance.
]]>Hi There,
I have just tried using this plugin and got an error. I went to my host to ask them if they could make anything of it, I have posted their reply below. Can someone please take a look and get back to me? I have the PRO version of the plugin.
I’ve tried to replicate the issue from my end and got the same error, and I also checked the error logs on our server and found the following:
[Thu Feb 16 12:31:09.167234 2017] [:error] [pid 8855] [client] WordPress database error Table ‘webstein_wp4.wpyp_woocommerce_termmeta’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT meta_value as ids FROM wpyp_woocommerce_termmeta where meta_key=’thumbnail_id’; made by do_action(‘wp_ajax_dnui_pro_get_woocommerce_image’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, call_user_func_array, dnui_pro_get_woocommerce_image, ImageRestDNUIPRO->readWooCommerce, DatabaseDNUIPRO->getWooCommerceCategoryImage, W3TC\\DbCache_Wpdb->query, W3TC\\DbCache_WpdbInjection_QueryCaching->query, W3TC\\_CallUnderlying->query, W3TC\\DbCache_Wpdb->query, W3TC\\DbCache_WpdbInjection->query, W3TC\\DbCache_Wpdb->default_query, referer:
Based on that error message in the error log, we can see that wpyp_woocommerce_termmeta table does not exist in your webstein_wp4 database – I confirmed this by opening your database via phpMyAdmin tool in your cPanel, and indeed there’s no such table in question in that database , as shown in this screen shot I took:
So, that appears to be the issue why that DNUI plugin does not work properly . I would suggest you to check with the plugin’s developer or support team and ask them to assist you what to be done with the above database’s table that appears to be missing.
Let us know again if there’s something else we can do from our end (if any) should you have more information/details from the plugin’s developer to fix it.
]]>I have installed the plugin DNUI to clean up images that are not in use on my site. But when I click on the “images”, “Fetching server …” message appears and remains indefinitely.
Can someone help me with the cause of the problem?
I have some concerns about deleting “original unused images” from the pages. I don’t quite get it, it finds an original version of the image on a page which isnt being used. So what happens when that original image is deleted and its being used somewhere else?
Wish there was an option to ignore all original images so id have the confidence to fly through the site deleting as much as i could.
Any answers or feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
]]>I get tons of errors when listing images. And the “Delete Automatic” shows up only once and never shows again.
The images are mostly all on “asking” or “pending” and never changes.
I get tons of these errors on every page.
resource_timing.js:32 Uncaught (in promise) Error: [object Object]
at chrome-extension://mlomiejdfkolichcflejclcbmpeaniij/dist/resource_timing.js:32:14
at sendResponseAndClearCallback (extensions::messaging:347:9)
at messageListener (extensions::messaging:379:11)
at EventImpl.dispatchToListener (extensions::event_bindings:388:22)
at Event.publicClassPrototype.(anonymous function) [as dispatchToListener] (extensions::utils:149:26)
at EventImpl.dispatch_ (extensions::event_bindings:372:35)
at EventImpl.dispatch (extensions::event_bindings:394:17)
at Event.publicClassPrototype.(anonymous function) [as dispatch] (extensions::utils:149:26)
at dispatchOnMessage (extensions::messaging:320:22)
Hi there,
The plugin only seems to be able to delete unused images one by one? Isn’t there a way to delete all unused images on one click?
Please let me know, thanks!
Wordpress divides an image into few sizes. If only one size is used in the post, will plugin delete the rest unused sizes or keep all sizes?
]]>Hello to every one,
I would like to have useful return about what is missing in the version 2 of DNUI plugin and know if i make an new version
Until know some bad review give me this return.
* Make a better log/error system
* Make a better workflow about search -> delete -> restore -> validate
* Better performance
* Make it compatible with theme/front (with a web crawler)
* Add more warning and validate the first time the Warning page
* Find and search at the DB and upload dir
I really don’t know if DNUI need a new version, but it will be nice to have yours opinion.
Can it detects photos loaded uploaded using Tiled Galleries of Jetpack ?
Thank you.
I’ve bought the PRO version today and I have one question – is it possible to exclude all sizes of an image from being deleted? I can’t find this option anywhere. I use Advanced Custom Fields for an image slider and some images are being used on the site but they are coming up as “not in use” – would like to ignore those images so I can delete the rest without worrying that those ones would be deleted.
Feature request: I would really love it if DNUI was compatible with Advanced Custom Fields, I use ACF fields a lot and will probably not be able to use DNUI on most of my sites because it will delete the images being used in ACF fields.
]]>Hi, the new version of DNUI I get this error but I don’t know what it is:
]]>I’d like to buy the pro version but I see no way to doing it. The link located via the plugin goes here.
It’s a 404. The website provides zero contact info.
How do I buy the pro version?
will be there an update (maybe just update the readme.txt) to WordPress 4.6?
I found no issue at the moment, so it could be enough to change the “tested up to” in the readme.txt
Best regards,
There are times when it just does not give the DELETE ALL button even after 60 minutes, as it is stuck on some images saying PENDING or ASKING
If it gets stuck for more than 20 minutes, can you just mark the image as used so that the page completes. This is especially important with the PRO version
]]>I wanted to purchase the plugin but i see 3 different prices, $10,00, $10 and $5. I am thinking the 1000 is the incorrect price. So which is the correct price?
]]>La versión gratuita funciona pero la PRO hace como que borra pero no desaparece ningun archivo.
Necesito ayuda
]]>Hello nicearma!
When I click on “Delete all” button and then click “Yes delete all” in prompt nothing happens.
Even no request sended to server in Network tab and no errors in Console in Chrome DevTools.
WP 4.5.2
DNUI 2.5.4
]]>When I hit the images tag on the plugin, it does the “Fetching server” thing but eventually just says “Any pictures was found, try another page”
]]>Hello I get this error when I delete the photos:
“Data” “<html> \ n <head> \ n <title> Error 500 </ title> \ n </ head> \ n <body> \ n <center> \ n <font size = 4 face = \ “arial “> Error 500 ( search Brands </ font> \ n </ center> \ n \ n <span style = \ “font-size 8pt; font-family arial; color # 000000; \ “> \ n <p align = ” justify \ “> It è an error. </ p> \ n <p align = ” justify \ “> <b> This può error; show up at because of a syntactically incorrect .htaccess file entered by you or one of your scripts in the current folder or from your site that tries to establish a connection to a non-accessible external source. </ b>
\ nFor check the .htaccess file you need to open the management files in the control panel and click on the icon depicting the two gears. \ nFor more information on the directives supported by .htaccess files always consult the online help within the control panel. < br> \ n </ p> \ n <center> \ n <p> Back indietro</p>\n</center>\n</span>\n</body>\n</html>\n””status”500″config””method””GET””transformRequest”null”transformResponse”nullnullnull”url””/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php””params””action””dnui_verify_status_by_id_image””id””27276″”headers””Accept””application/json text / plain * / * “” statusText “” Internal Server Error “
My site is on altervista.
]]>The previous thread was marked as resolved but I had no reply to my previous question.
I purchased the plugin anyway and as I suspected, the kill script on wpengine kills the process after 60 seconds resulting in a 502.
At the request of wpengine technical support, they asked me to ask if there is any way of forcing the plugin to operate in small batches of images rather than the entire library at once?
its the first time i use your plugin and i am nut shure if it works or not.
1: “Create backup folder” -> no reaction
2: Log says
-response errors:
{“data”:””,”status”:500,”config”:{“method”:”GET”,”transformRequest”:[null],”transformResponse”:[null,null,null],”url”:”/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php”,”params”:{“action”:”dnui_get_shortcodes_image”},”headers”:{“Accept”:”application/json, text/plain, */*”}},”statusText”:”Internal Server Error”}
Then there are alot of loggings but inbeteween different errors like this:
{“data”:[“1728″],”status”:200,”config”:{“method”:”GET”,”transformRequest”:[null],”transformResponse”:[null,null,null],”url”:”/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php”,”params”:{“action”:”dnui_count_image”},”headers”:{“Accept”:”application/json, text/plain, */*”}},”statusText”:”OK”,”resource”:[“1728”]}
{“data”:””,”status”:500,”config”:{“method”:”GET”,”transformRequest”:[null],”transformResponse”:[null,null,null],”url”:”/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php”,”params”:{“action”:”dnui_get_shortcodes_image”},”headers”:{“Accept”:”application/json, text/plain, */*”}},”statusText”:”Internal Server Error”}
There seems to be something completey wrong
Can you please help?
regards axel
]]>When I try to initiate plugin, it just says “Fetching server..” but nothing happens. Any suggestions on how to resolve this? Thanks for any help.