I have network activated Div Layer Editor.
But when I enable it, and clic on an object (blog title for instance) the only thing that appears is an empty dialog box with the title “Div Layer Editor” and nothing beneath it but a blank area…
What should I do?
Tryning to editing any section a pop-up window “Div Layer Editor” run, but fatal error on it:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_allowed_themes() in /home/planbonu/public_html/wp-content/plugins/div-layer-editor/php/libraries.php on line 493
WordPress multisite 3.4.2
Div Layer Editor 1.2.5
]]>Hi John
I am giving your div layer editor a try for the first time. I have installed it on a multisite Genesis Themed current version of WordPress. I use Themedy Child Themes which uses a custom.css to make changes.
After installing I am enabling DLE, clicking where I want to edit, the red box encapsulates the area, the Div Layer Editor Frame pops up but it is completely blank. Just white space, no options like in your screenshot above. Any ideas what might be happening here?
]]>Dragging does not work, creates errors.
DL can not save. Manages to create 1st version but can not save to it. Cannot switch between versions. saved changes vanish on page reload.
Trying to save 2nd time results in error message asking user to change theme’s write permissions.
I’ve even deactivated all other super editors, and it still will not activate.
I am using OS X Tiger
]]>How does this plugin work if I am already using the Genesis framework with a child theme already installed? When I try to make any changes the Agency child theme, it won’t save.