How can I enforce, say, a 16:9 aspect ratio for all images in the grid display, even if the image uploaded was not cropped to that ratio?
Is there a way to output posts based on view counts? I see that orderby offers “date, modified, rand, comment_count, menu_order, ID, author, title, name, type, meta_value, meta_value_num, post__in” – but I would like to output / orderby posts based on how many times the post has been viewed.
BTW: Thanks for this perfect plugin!
Cheers, Eric
]]>Hello, I’m using a short code like this
[display-posts order=”DESC” category=”Bpost”]
to show the posts in a WP page. It happens that the other contents of the page is not rendered, only post list is visible. Why? How to solve this?
]]>Is it possible to calculate the number of posts with meta_value filtered?
For example
[display-posts meta_value=”rent_on” calculate]
Show number of rent_on articles
You can click to display the list
Or how to display the statistical quantity value of filtered articles
Please review the installation instructions on the Display Posts website.
]]>When I set image size to medium the full picture is always served – whilst with thumb and large, the thumbnails in the correct size are served based on Media Settings.
I can see that a Medium thumbnail has been generated.
[display-posts image_size=”Large” include_excerpt=”true” include_date=”true” date_format=”F j, Y” excerpt_more_link=”true” excerpt_more=”Read more >” include_excerpt_dash=”false” ” order=”DEC” posts_per_page=”6″ wrapper=”div” wrapper_class=”display-posts-listing grid” ignore_sticky_posts=”true”
category=” sticky”]
hello, how do i remove the Ellipsis from the post list and also the text font is not the same as the rest of the page? thanks
]]>Is there a way to display multiple custom post types in one list?
]]>Please include a parameter to include post URL. I don’t mean the link, which you already include, but the post URL.
]]>Is it possible to hide the bullet point for each post?
The post are displayed like this:
Is it possible to hide the bullet or change it by any other character:
Post 1
Post 2
Post 3
I use in shortcodes date_query_after:
[display-posts post_type=”event_listing” s=”Tartempion” orderby=”event_start_date” date_query_after=”today”]
But it doesn’t work ! Same for the date_query_before !
Is it because the date_query_xxx item uses only the modification date ? or publication date ?
thx a lot for your help
1) I would like to only display events (in WP Event Manager) sorted by event start date.
In this case, I would like to separate past events (before today) and future events (after today).
How can I do that ?
2) Can I display the event date and not the publication date or the modification date when date are included, with the title ?
Thx a lot for your help
Moderator note: Please, No bumping
]]>I use longer titles for many of my pages. Its makes for fairly unwieldily list of posts to display. I have a shortened name of just the beach contained in an ACF. Is it possible to substitute the short name in for the title?
]]>I would like to verify if Display Posts is compatible with PHP 8.2. If not, do you have a timeframe when the plugin will be tested and released with 8.2 compatibility?
]]>Is it possible out of the box to display all posts on a specific page, and also output all categories, and, when someone clicks on a category, ONLY posts that are in that selected category be show?
]]>I’d love to simply display search results using the DPS. I thought I could just include s=”” in the shortcode and it would display only the queried content, but instead it displays all. Is there a way to set the search parameter to the user’s input? If I didn’t explain myself clearly, I’d like to do this on the search page: [display-posts s=”get_search_query()”]
]]>If I use two filters display_posts_shortcode_output, one will override the other.
If I use and only work one
Any solution
I have this shortcode which is working fine besides the content class is not coming through.
[display-posts post_type=”case” category=”small businesses” wrapper=”div” wrapper_class=”case-slider” content_class=”case-block” image_size=”medium” include_excerpt=”true” excerpt_length=”30″ include_excerpt_dash=”false” excerpt_more=”Read more” excerpt_more_link=”true” include_link=”true”]
it outputs the following:
<div class=”listing-item slick-slide slick-current slick-active” data-slick-index=”0″ aria-hidden=”false” style=”width: 390px;” tabindex=”0″>
I have tried to change the content_class to various classnames with dash, underscore, or without.
No errors shown in Console.
I’m on the latest update.
Im trying to format the style of the text links from the output of listing blog post [display-posts posts_per_page=”3″]
The links are white and centered. I have added the following css code to my theme, which changed the bullets to green and alinged the text left, but did not change the color of the links. They are still white and underlined. Can you tell me how to adjust the code below to make the link color green #36ae7c
/* display post align left */
li.listing-item {color: #36ae7c; text-decoration: underline; text-align:left;}
ex, [ 1234,4321,3333] to change the order [ 3333,4321,1234] can i do that? i want certain post that of the same topic. not rotating
]]>Hi there
I would like to display a list of post alphabetically from A to Z
I have used [display-posts orderby=”title” alpha_view=”true” posts_per_page=”111″] but my list is showing in reverse alphabetical order Z – A
]]>I have a custom taxonomy “artists” that has artist names (e.g., Black Hibiscus) as terms (created with CPT UI). I wanted to customize the archive for the artists in that it will display posts categorized/tagged as Album Reviews and Track Reviews that pertain to them, if any.
There are hundreds of artists under the above taxonomy, so I decided to create a widget area on the taxonomy-artists.php template to put the Display Posts query parameters in a Custom HTML widget for each archive’s use.
This is my code:
<div id="track-and-album-rev" class="track-and-album-revs">
<h1>Album reviews</h1>
[display-posts taxonomy="artists" tax_term="current" tag="album-reviews" tax_relation="AND" image_size="thumbnail" include_author="true" include_date="true" date_format="F j, Y" orderby="date" wrapper="div" wrapper_class="display-posts-listing grid" meta_key="_thumbnail_id]
<!-- /wp:shortcode -->
<h1>Track reviews</h1>
[display-posts taxonomy="artists" tax_term="current" tag="track-reviews" tax_relation="AND" image_size="thumbnail" include_author="true" include_date="true" date_format="F j, Y" orderby="date" wrapper="div" wrapper_class="display-posts-listing grid" meta_key="_thumbnail_id]
<!-- /wp:shortcode --></div>
However, this does not query only the posts with the current tax_term (e.g., /artists/black-hibiscus) that also have the given tag. Instead, it outputs all posts with the tag “album-reviews” and “track-reviews“, disregarding the taxonomy and tax_term rules.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
]]>I have a custom taxonomy “artists” that has artist names (e.g., Black Hibiscus) as terms (created with CPT UI). I wanted to customize the archive for the artists in that it will display posts categorized/tagged as Album Reviews and Track Reviews that pertain to them, if any.
To achieve this, I use the following code:
Album reviews
[display-posts taxonomy="artists" tax_term="black-hibiscus" category="album-reviews" tag="album-reviews" posts_per_page="3" image_size="thumbnail" include_author="true" include_date="true" date_format="F j, Y" orderby="date" wrapper="div" wrapper_class="display-posts-listing grid" meta_key="_thumbnail_id]
Track reviews
[display-posts taxonomy="artists" tax_term="black-hibiscus" category="track-reviews" tag="track-reviews" posts_per_page="3" image_size="thumbnail" include_author="true" include_date="true" date_format="F j, Y" orderby="date" wrapper="div" wrapper_class="display-posts-listing grid" meta_key="_thumbnail_id]
However, this results in all posts categorized/tagged as “album reviews” and “track-reviews” being shown respectively, seemingly disregarding the specified custom taxonomy and term.
I have tried removing category="album-reviews" tag="album-reviews"
and category="track-reviews" tag="track-reviews"
and ended up with all posts being displayed, still disregarding the taxonomy="artists" tax_term="black-hibiscus"
I have also tried writing the code this way:
Album reviews
[display-posts taxonomy="category" tax_term="album-reviews" taxonomy_2="post_tag" tax_2_term="album-reviews" taxonomy_3="artists" tax_3_term="black-hibiscus" tax_relation="AND" posts_per_page="3" image_size="thumbnail" include_author="true" include_date="true" date_format="F j, Y" orderby="date" wrapper="div" wrapper_class="display-posts-listing grid" meta_key="_thumbnail_id]
Track reviews
[display-posts taxonomy="category" tax_term="track-reviews" taxonomy_2="post_tag" tax_2_term="track-reviews" taxonomy_3="artists" tax_3_term="black-hibiscus" tax_relation="AND" posts_per_page="3" image_size="thumbnail" include_author="true" include_date="true" date_format="F j, Y" orderby="date" wrapper="div" wrapper_class="display-posts-listing grid" meta_key="_thumbnail_id]
This does not work either.
Any advice is appreciated.
Is it possible to include the number of comments?
I like to show date, author and number of comments next to the title, but the comment_count seems missing.
Would be great to have that, too.
Thanks, and great work!
]]>Hi and thanks for the plugin. I would like to display tags alphabetically within a specific category. So, if the category is Fruit, I’d like to show the tags of posts within that category as:
]]>Is it possible to display posts as a carousel? Like… 3 in a row with arrows to scroll through more?
]]>It seems this function is not working. My shortcode is: [display-posts post_type=”product” taxonomy=”product_tags” tax_term=”featured” taxonomy_2=”product_categories” tax_2_term=”awards” posts_per_page=”20″ post_status=”publish” orderby=”post_title” image_size=”medium” wrapper=”div” wrapper_id=”product-product_tags-home-page”]
The query generated is: SELECT?DISTINCT?t.term_id, tr.object_id
ON?t.term_id = tt.term_id
ON?tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id
WHERE?tt.taxonomy?IN?(‘product_categories’, ‘product_tags’)
AND?tr.object_id?IN?(85459, 85471, 85540, 85580, 85549, 85456, 85497, 85468, 85578, 85295)
I was following instructions on this page:
Appreciate your help!
]]>I currently just have a basic dropdown menu listing my posts with a specific taxonomy tag.
But I have too many posts, so the dropdown menu just cuts off.
How can I make it so that when I click on the dropdown menu to display the posts, I can then scroll up or down to show the rest of the posts?
The pagination extension just displays all the list in paginated view, and not create paginated pages. Because of that all those pages have same canonical urls, thus impacting negatively on SEO. Because all pages with different content have same canonical url, it is confusing for Search Engines, impacts SEO.
]]>Would it be possible to modify the Query Parameter or extend the plugin via functions.php to allow Display Posts to dynamically select the category based on the current page’s category?
For instance, say I have 4 categories for the seasons – spring, summer, fall, and winter. I would like to pull the category from the current page and pass it along into the query, so if somebody lands on a spring post, then they’ll automatically see:[display-posts category="spring"]
But if another reader lands on a summer post, the code for them would show:[display-posts category="summer"]
And lastly if a third reader landed on a post containing all four categories, they’d see:[display-posts category="spring,summer,fall,winter"]