Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent is showing up on blog when the plugin is activated.
]]>I love the idea behind this plugin, but when I installed it, sure enough it got rid of the footer text but it also disabled my ability to log out of my WP site and when I jumped to a friend’s laptop that didn’t have any memory of my site on it, I could not log into the site’s back end at all. So, I could get rid of the footer text but then not be able to log out or log in or deal with the footer text and have a working site.
I would love to be able to use this plugin but the sheer volume of scary error messages and the fact that you can’t log out or log in after installing it is not worth it.
]]>Your footer removal plugin seems to work okay but when I log out…it won’t let me log out. I get a page full of scary error messages and cannot actually log out. What are all these error messages and is there any way to prevent them? I’m nervous about the plugin and opening things up to hackers more and am wondering if I should just delete the plugin and have the footer rather than all the error messages and “back door” open all the time.
Can you please help?