Hi All,
Realize this plugin is pretty much dead, but I do use it on a site, and was hoping someone had an easy fix for preg_replace being deprecated.
In dirtycode.php, the block
function trunc_c2c_preserve_code_formatting( $text ) {
$text = str_replace(array('$', "'"), array('$&;', ''&;'), $text);
$tags = array('code', 'pre');
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$text = preg_replace(
"'<$tag>' . trunc_c2c_prep_code(\"$2\") . '</$tag>'",
$text = str_replace(array('$&;', ''&;'), array('$', "'"), $text);
return $text;
Needs to have the preg_replace replaced with a preg_replace_callback, but I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around it. Thoughts?