There are several errors related to deprecated functions.
Does someone replace register_sidebar_widget with wp_register_widget_control in diamond-bloglist.php, diamond-recent-comments.php, diamond-recent-posts.php
Someone tested?
]]>Using “Diamond recent posts” and set limit post for blog, it show FIRST post of blog instead of LAST post.
Show it on
]]>Hi there..
is there any possibility get all posts of author for example to author.php?
]]>I’ve got those errors while using your plugin:
Notice: register_sidebar_widget is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.8! Use wp_register_sidebar_widget() instead. in /var/www/1DGVB75G/public_html/wp/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3378
Notice: register_widget_control is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.8! Use wp_register_widget_control() instead. in /var/www/1DGVB75G/public_html/wp/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3378
Notice: register_sidebar_widget is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.8! Use wp_register_sidebar_widget() instead. in /var/www/1DGVB75G/public_html/wp/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3378
Notice: register_widget_control is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.8! Use wp_register_widget_control() instead. in /var/www/1DGVB75G/public_html/wp/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3378
Notice: register_sidebar_widget is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.8! Use wp_register_sidebar_widget() instead. in /var/www/1DGVB75G/public_html/wp/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3378
Notice: register_widget_control is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.8! Use wp_register_widget_control() instead. in /var/www/1DGVB75G/public_html/wp/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3378
Notice: load_plugin_textdomain was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.7 with no alternative available. in /var/www/1DGVB75G/public_html/wp/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3497
Notice: Undefined index: diamond_blogs in /var/www/1DGVB75G/public_html/wp-content/plugins/diamond-multisite-widgets/diamond-broadcast-posts.php on line 42
Could you please update your plugin?
]]>I am a very basic level WP user, so my jargon and questions will be odd.
I am trying your plugin on a small, but heavily integrated (I hope), MultiSite network.
A couple of questions:
1.) In the Settings – what does this mean, and why is the default time so short?:
Cache Expire Time (sec):
My content doesn’t change that often.
2.) Is the caching your plugin does like site-caching-plugins? I would think not. (I already activated it.)
I understand what a site caching plugin does. I never use them. I have a lot of plugins. I have too many potential plugin conflicts.
(And I have noted that when things go bad caching plugins are blamed first, and are warned about in many plugin descriptions. And they are great too. Not for me.)
Thank you
]]>I got this error in the widget, above the post list. The posts are listed and look okay.
Warning: file_get_contents(/home/toniengl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/diamond-multisite-widgets/cache_recent-posts): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/toniengl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/diamond-multisite-widgets/diamond-cache.php on line 16
I am just checking out the widget. I network activated the plugin. I only marked the first check box at top of the Settings page, No other settings.
I don’t use caching plugins at all – intentionally. I use several plugins in each site.
]]>New version – new errors…
Warning: file_get_contents(/var/www/coachgur/data/www/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/coachgur/data/www/ on line 16
Warning: Missing argument 12 for DiamondRC::render_output(), called in /var/www/coachgur/data/www/ on line 61 and defined in /var/www/coachgur/data/www/ on line 68 Warning: file_get_contents(/var/www/coachgur/data/www/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/coachgur/data/www/ on line 16
Warning: file_get_contents(/var/www/coachgur/data/www/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/coachgur/data/www/ on line 16
]]>Hi together,
at first sorry for my small English.
Today I made the Update for the Diamond Multisite Widgets. After I finished it, I get a error message on – it called:
Warning: Missing argument 12 for DiamondRC::render_output(), called in /home/alpendei/public_html/wp-content/plugins/diamond-multisite-widgets/diamond-recent-comments.php on line 61 and defined in /home/alpendei/public_html/wp-content/plugins/diamond-multisite-widgets/diamond-recent-comments.php on line 68
What I have to do to fix that?
Best from Hamburg
]]>It’s the plugin still developed?
I doesn’t require great changes, or new features for them. The plugin works great now, but i have one problem:
The plugin are getting an error reading database on each blog who it’s active:
“SELECT blog_id, registered, last_updated from wp_blogs where public = 1\tAND spam = 0 AND archived = ‘0’ AND deleted = 0 AND blog_id NOT IN (3) ORDER BY path asc”
It’s a bit molest, because this error it’s triggered several times a minute and they are filling my error logs.
I think, if investigate a bit, i can resolve by myself at code. But, it can be interesting if some developer can upload a fix for all another users.
]]>It appears this plugin was last being developed when the ability to use a widget in multiple sidebars was not the standard. A simple workaround for this is to install the Duplicate Widget Plugin. The only downside is that the settings will be the same on each instance (or it’s an upside if that’s what you wanted I suppose). So, for example, you put Diamond Bloglist on your Homepage Sidebar. Then put the Duplicate Widget on your Regular Page Sidebar and select “Diamond Bloglist on the Homepage Sidebar” as the setting.
The single instance problem can be fixed by changing how the plugin registers itself with WordPress. I did so and I could add it multiple times. It had the same limitation with respect to options as above though. The newer WordPress widget API tracks options on a per instance basis, but since the internal code of Diamond is just reading options straight out of the database it can’t take advantage of that. My changes also broke the admin page for Diamond that appears under Settings (I assume for related reasons).
It just isn’t worth it to me to fix everything when the Duplicate Widget Plugin does what I need. Besides, I am a complete WordPress newbie so it might take a while for me to fix it, but I hope this workaround helps.
]]>Hmh … the “Diamond MultiSite Recent Comments Widget” all of a sudden links to https? I do not have https configured and an “old” certificate.
Check it at the bottom right widget. Weird enough the bottom left, “Recent Posts Widget” works just fine …
Any idea what may cause this?
]]>Hi, by default the Diamond widget show the first text line at the bottom-right of the avatar.
Is it possible to show the first text line at the TOP-right of the avatar (text aligned with the top of the pic)?
Thanks for the help
]]>In the sidebar recentposts widget any story on the main blog that is broadcast to another blog is not picked up, although in the rss feed it is picked up.
Anybody have a solution for this?
]]>What do I need to add to my functions.php to prevent the diamond widgets from showing up with in a blog using a different theme than the main site?
I don’t want to deactivate the plugin for that site because we are using the shortcode in a global sidebar. I just want to remove it from the user’s widget dashboard.
The usual unregister_widget( ‘ $ID ‘ ); doesn’t work.
]]>Hi! I’m looking for a solution of my problem with multisite posting. I’ve just launched a multisite application for a school where I’m working. It has a main site and six other sites for each particular program of the school (machinery, electronics, computers, etc.). Each of this site is edited, posted by teachers who doesn’t have much computer knowledge. The intention is to post news on a local site and on a main site.
I found your plugin which should do this kind of service but I cant’ select to publish the post on the main site. I mean when I publish the post on the site of my school and I want to publish it on the main site also, it doesn’t display the option which I could select.
Have I missed something?
]]>Hi – I’m having a problem whereby the URLs that are generated for the blogs in the bloglist shortcode just lead to the main site homepage (i.e. the forward-slash blog URL bit is not being generated).
You can see this at our site directory page
Any ideas where I could start looking for a solution to this?
The site was originally a WordPress mu site, updated to WP3, if that might have any bearing.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I’m running a multisite WP with diamond MS Widgets plugin.
Aprox, since WP 3.5 update, when i send a post on one blog, with the “Broadcast this post” marked, the destination blog receives the post repeated, and generates the same post two times (the second, with the original slug plus -2).
Can your fix this error? This is a great plugin for WP.
]]>Is there a way I can format the widget so it displays just the avatar associated with the blog and that avatar is a link?
I would like to use Diamond on the Home main section of my blog but I would like to have the same style of the post’s theme.
any suggestion?
]]>I would like to use this widget in multiple sidebars but when I add it to one sidebar it is no longer available under available widgets. Is this something that can be fixed?
]]>Just a simple question really – are you still developing this plugin? I’ve been playing with this and others network post plugins and they are all good in what they do, but are still very limited.
]]>The Recent Posts Feed does not show excerpts nor content.
I tried the format strings {blog}{excerpt}, {blog}{content} but none of them give any content in the feed, just the links.
]]>My client does not see the Broadcast Post function in the editor. They are logged in as Editor. As an admin I am able to see and use it. Where can I adapt or configure this behavior?
]]>What if I wanted to automatically broadcast all post to a specific site, is that possible.
If I had a page called “My Page”, another called “His Page” I would like both pages to automatically post all content to “Our Pages”. Is this possible? I have not found a way to to this.
The bloglist short code is working beautifully on my site however when I try the short code for recent posts or comments nothing comes up.
Sample code I’m using:
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[diamond-bloglist format=”{title}” count=”100″ order_by=”1″ order=”0″/]’); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[diamond-post format=”{title}”/]’); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[diamond-comment format=”{title}”/]’); ?>
Any ideas?
]]>Hello everyone,
I’m using Diamond Multisite Widget (obviously haha) and I wonder if someone could help me letting it show either (or both) the post titles or the posttitles + the first ~50 words of that post.
The situation:
I have a main site with a widget area which (should) shows the newest posts from all blogs.
Example 1:
– “Newest post title” (from blog 03)
– “Newest post title” (from blog 01)
– “Newest post title” (from blog 49)
– “Newest post title” (from blog 12)
– “Second newest post title” (from blog 01)
– “Newest post title” (from blog 32)
Example 2:
“Newest post title” (from blog 01)
“First ~50 words of that post”
“Newest post title” (from blog 49)
“First ~50 words of that post”
“Newest post title” (from blog 12)
“First ~50 words of that post”
“Second newest post title” (from blog 01)
“First ~50 words of that post”
I believe the plugin already orders them by date.
Now we only get the option (in the widget screen) to do:
Format string:
<<<<<<<input field>>>>>>>>>>>
{title} – The blog’s title
{title_txt} – The blog’s title (without link)
{description} – The blog’s description
{reg} – The registration’s date
{last_update} – The blog’s last update date
{avatar} – Author’s avatar
{postcount} – The blog’s posts count
{comment_count} – The blog’s comment count – only works with Order by comment count
{more} – The “Read More” link
I really hope someone can help me!
Thanks in advance!
PS. I read this post:
but it doesnt seem to work in the widget. The output I get is:
{blog}testing{date}\" count=\"5\" post_limit=\"1\" before_content=\"\" after_content=\"
Blog Latest Post Post Date
\" before_item=\"\" after_item=\"\"
The dashes get added by themselves somehow.
]]>Is it possible to add a “class” for the rendered lists?
At the moment it looks like this:
<div class="myr-blockcontent-body"><ul><li>Myrddin - <a href="">Enchanted Items via Dropdown</a></li>
and I’d love to be able to define the class to something like “tooltip”
<div class="myr-blockcontent-body"><ul><li class="tooltip">Myrddin - <a href="">Enchanted Items via Dropdown</a></li>
It would give the possibilities to have some tooltip popup for the post with other relevant data belonging to the link. I used to have the RSS feed of the main site as “network recent posts” and there was nice nice excerpt up to the more tag when you hover over it. And since this plugin does not bring this function I’d be interested in adding a shiny nice tooltip instead.
I’d edit the code for it, if someone can point me at the right position,
Thanks in advance,
]]>Is it possible to use this to show the most popular post from each site?
]]>We are using the plugin on a multiblog site.
I can use diamond-post in the format
<?php echo do_shortcode('[diamond-post format="<td>{blog}</td><td>{title}</td><td>{date}</td>" count="5" post_limit="1" before_content="<table><tr><th>Blog</th><th>Latest Post</th><th>Post Date</th></tr>" after_content="</table>" before_item="<tr>" after_item="</tr>"]'); ?>
to make it list all the blogs and their most recent post in a table, but I can’t sort by the blog name so they seem all out of order. (They are sorting on the date of posting, newest to oldest, like you would expect from an index page.)
If I use diamond-bloglist, I don’t get the name/link of the most recent post with the post date.
So … how can I either sort the diamond-post by blog name, or get the most recent post from diamond-bloglist?