I’m using the social wall on ma responsive website, and it takes a very long time to load images, on mobile version the social wall appears after more than 2mn ( = an eternity). Can this problem be solved ?
Thanks !
Where do I find Browser & Mobile Device matrix for this plugin?
Dialogfeed team is happy to announce you that we fully redevelopped our WordPress plugin.
It is focusing on our best seller product: the social wall.
You can install on your WordPress site a social wall with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube or hashtags contents.
Please before create your social wall on Dialogfeed.
After this, you can insert the social wall on your site.
A live Instagram wall example with hashtag
When I add the DialogFeed widget to the widget area, it returns the following error:
“DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (1m) at position 0 (1): Unexpected character”
Any advice? Or just the wrong WordPress version?
Kind regards,
I have installed the plugin but don’t see ANY type of admin area in the backend as your screen shots indicate. Am I missing something obvious?