Rating: 2 stars
WordPress requires PHP 5.2.4 or later. I am using PHP 5.2.10, and I can’t use this plugin because it makes use of anonymous functions (starting in class.toc.php). This syntax is not supported in PHP until 5.3.x.
Because this plugin requires a newer version of PHP than what WordPress requires, this fact should be noted prominently in the README text.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Works as stated by the provider. Easy to set up. See it in action at https://www.write-tools.com *
Developer would help him/herself by stating in documentation that documents must use HTML heading tags because that’s what taxonomy relies upon: <h2>1st level heading</h2>, <h3>2nd level heading</h3>, and so on (don’t go beyond <h4> because it gets messy). Using headings, it works in the same way table of contents mechanisms work in word processing and print production software like Latex.
Bear in mind: post title for long documents is not included in taxonomy. Post myBook would start with something like <h2>Chapter 1: Introduction</h2>. I’d suggest using an paging plugin too.
Note to Deadpool’s regard low rating of 1: you’re probably not using <hx> tags! ??
* Article works and development in progress. Website may look a bit lame at the time of this review.
]]>Rating: 1 star
I would love to find a good sitemap plugin for once… this one looks great but so far I’ve been unable to get anything but the widget title to display (even on pages/posts, and styling elements with inline and inline-block). If it was working (and actually displayed the base site url as a top tier home link, which it seems most developers ignore…) I’d give it a 5.